I got a real kick reading this on a blog somewhere. Being Italian, I'm obviously biased.
"I think Rome might possibly be better than Paris. I know. Those are fightin’ words. Maybe I’m still under the magical spell of one of the most amazing cities EVER (Rome, that is), but for the life of me, I can’t help but wonder why the hell on earth Paris is the most visited city in the world, while Rome is in a distant 5th place? That totally baffles the mind. Rome RULEZ - and Paris is totally overrated!!!!!
I hear gasps worldwide coming my direction. Pfff. Bring it on…
This opinion is based on my one week holiday in Rome, which isn’t very long, I realize - while I actually have spent much more time in Paris as a resident. Perhaps if I lived in Rome, I might have the “honeymoon is over” syndrome? Who knows. For now, this is what I think, and I’m sticking to it.
Rome is better than Paris. Why? How?
- Much much more history in Rome.
- Stunning monuments and ancient ruins practically everywhere you go in Rome.
- Friendly locals in Rome. Um, Paris? hahahaha.
- Better coffee in Rome, hands down.
- The weather in Rome kicks Paris’ ***. So very much.
- The Pantheon, The Arch? THE Originals are in Rome!
- Rome has less POO on the sidewalks.
- Rome doesn’t smell like pee probably because guys in Italy use the toilets instead of walls and alleys.
- Michaelangelo.
- Leonardo da Vinci.
- The food in Rome was consistently excellent. Yes, you heard me correctly.
- Happier atmosphere.
- The ocean is nearby.
- Great seafood.
- Beauty is everywhere.
- Italian is prettier than French. hee!
- Rome is more relaxed.
- Cafe waiters are nice! OMG what a concept, right Paris?
- I gotta say this: Rome has less B.O.
- Gelato
- Cars stop for pedestrians in Rome.
- The Slow Food movement was founded in Rome.
- The Coliseum in Rome was built in 8 years. How long would it take in Paris?
- No bisou politics. A simple one kiss on each cheek in Italy ‘cept starting on the left side.
- Oh please. This list would take me years to complete.
In defense of Paris, I’ll offer these things: 1) Paris is quieter; 2) Paris has more wifi access; 3) Paris pastries are better except perhaps a simple panna cotta ai frutti di bosco; 4) transportation is more extensive but so what; 5) Paris’ marketing is better, which is why so many more people around the world have been brainwashed believe it is the most beautiful city on earth; 6) Parisian women dress better than Roman women; 7) Paris has more cheese."