Denon AVP-A1HDCI / POA-A1HDCI Review Support Thread

Seth V

Seth V


Now that we know that Denon is releasing the upcoming DVD-A1UDCI with DenonLink 4, many who are buying this player (myself included) are wanting to take advantage of the benefits of DL4. Since it has been announced that the Denon AVP will be upgradeable to DL4 status, do you know if the upgrade will be via a firmware update to enable it? Or will it require a hardware upgrade?




AVP-A1HDCI NET/USB screen freezes after standby

Happy New Year Gene,

I and one other avsforum member are having this problem. It would be appreciated if you could pass it on to Denon. Thank you.

AVP-A1HDCI NET/USB screen freezes after standby

For a while now I've been experiencing a problem with NET/USB. After the AVP has been in standby for a while (e.g., overnight), when I try to use NET/USB the screen is frozen on one of my media servers. Specifically, I'm running PlayOn on my PC and I get the PlayOn menu when selecting NET/USB. I am unable to get out of that menu to select my Twonky server which runs on my NAS. The only way to clear this problem is to power off (little button) the AVP. Powering back on gives me the top NET/USB menu and I am then able to navigate successfully.

I've tried turning off the PC (and therefore the PlayOn server) before attemping to use the AVP NET/USB, but even with the PC off, the AVP comes out of standby stuck on the PlayOn menu.

I had my DirecTV HR20-700 DVR connected to my network and had a similar problem with the AVP coming up stuck on the HR20 menu.

In case you are wondering what is a PlayOn, it is a media server running on Windows that is specifically intended to serve Hulu and Netflix instant to PS3, Xbox, and in my case Popcorn Hour.


need some help please

Hi Everyone,

First post here, am a new avp a1hd owner just needed a pointer

when you are on a source for instance a 2 channel source, when you go to select thru available surround listening modes it only offers 2 per source

Is it possible to enlarge the choices to more.

I mean its either pl cinema or neo 6

If you go in to the main menu you can select others like pl music or something else but seems like a lot of work.

Any help please ?



Hi Everyone,

First post here, am a new avp a1hd owner just needed a pointer

when you are on a source for instance a 2 channel source, when you go to select thru available surround listening modes it only offers 2 per source

Is it possible to enlarge the choices to more.

I mean its either pl cinema or neo 6

If you go in to the main menu you can select others like pl music or something else but seems like a lot of work.

Any help please ?

You can always add more into your 3 memory functions.
Also, on your remote, with just a simple click, you can choose several modes for your 2-channel source, without going in the main menu.
I'm not sure if this helps, because I'm not positively certain if I understand you correctly.

Good luck,
"Play with that"


How many Dacs and what made?

I will like to know which Dacs (Digital to Analog Converters) are used in the Denon AVP-A1HDci, and how many of these are they?
Please, be certain before you answer my question.
I'll give you a head start; there are a total of 12 channels (9.3) in the AVP-A1HDci, and each of all these channels are running in dual differential mode.
Again, be certain of the actual number of Dual Dacs (Stereo Dac) you come up with.
Second hint; the Dacs are made by Texas Instruments (formely Burr-Brown), and are between the TI PCM-1791 (or TI DSD-1791) and TI PCM-1792 (or TI DSD-1792).
And again, be certain of the actual serial number of the Dac.

Good luck to you all...And for the person that can actually and precisely come up with the right answer to both questions in the same post, there will be a great Happening in his or her Search for the Best that Audio can and have to offer. You can count on this, or my alias is not Lordoftherings. ;)

My Salutations to you all Audio Passionates (Audioholics).

"Play with that"
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Audioholics Master Chief
I will like to know which Dacs (Digital to Analog Converters) are used in the Denon AVP-A1HDci, and how many of these are they?
Please, be certain before you answer my question.
I'll give you a head start; there are a total of 12 channels (9.3) in the AVP-A1HDci, and each of all these channels are running in dual differential mode.
Again, be certain of the actual number of Dual Dacs (Stereo Dac) you come up with.
Second hint; the Dacs are made by Texas Instruments (formely Burr-Brown), and are between the TI PCM-1791 (or TI DSD-1791) and TI PCM-1792 (or TI DSD-1792).
And again, be certain of the actual serial number of the Dac.

Good luck to you all...And for the person that can actually and precisely come up with the right answer to both questions in the same post, there will be a great Happening in his or her Search for the Best that Audio can and have to offer. You can count on this, or my alias is not Lordoftherings.

My Salutations to you all Audio Passionates (Audioholics).

"Play with that"
Its a loaded question b/c Denon counts the + and - of each dac as 2 dacs. So they tell you quad dual differential implying 4 dacs per channel for stereo when in fact its really a pair of differential Dacs or 2 per channel. So if there really are 2 per channel, then there is a total of 24 DACs or 12 chips for the Main zone since each chip has 2 DACs.


Bravo, one out of two

Its a loaded question b/c Denon counts the + and - of each dac as 2 dacs. So they tell you quad dual differential implying 4 dacs per channel for stereo when in fact its really a pair of differential Dacs or 2 per channel. So if there really are 2 per channel, then there is a total of 24 DACs or 12 chips for the Main zone since each chip has 2 DACs.
You're absolutely right sir. There is a total of 12 TI PCM-1796 chips (dual dacs). Or we can also say 24 single true dacs (counting the positive and the negative as one full true dac).
It seems to me that you didn't mention the 1796, on purpose or you just
Anyway, I've read your reviews for several years, as well from your
co-workers, and I have great respect on the job that all the team at Audioholics does; and providing us with invaluable information for wise
purchase decisions, not counting the ladder of knowledge we can use
as a great tool for climbing to a higher peak, on our pursuit to Audio
Thanks again for everything to you and your team.

Sincerely, Bob

"Good day and Good night"


Audioholics Master Chief
You're absolutely right sir. There is a total of 12 TI PCM-1796 chips (dual dacs). Or we can also say 24 single true dacs (counting the positive and the negative as one full true dac).
It seems to me that you didn't mention the 1796, on purpose or you just
Anyway, I've read your reviews for several years, as well from your
co-workers, and I have great respect on the job that all the team at Audioholics does; and providing us with invaluable information for wise
purchase decisions, not counting the ladder of knowledge we can use
as a great tool for climbing to a higher peak, on our pursuit to Audio
Thanks again for everything to you and your team.

Sincerely, Bob

"Good day and Good night"
Honestly any Burr Brown DAC 1791 or higher is so damn good that I stopped caring about the model #s :) Denon has a history of using the very best DAC's in their flagship products and implementing them correctly to get the most out of them. I just wish they would stop BSing everyone with counting the + and - as 2 DACs. I believe I mentioned this in my AVP review and I certainly did in prior reviews such as the 5805 and 5803.

Thanks for the compliments.


Honestly any Burr Brown DAC 1791 or higher is so damn good that I stopped caring about the model #s :) Denon has a history of using the very best DAC's in their flagship products and implementing them correctly to get the most out of them. I just wish they would stop BSing everyone with counting the + and - as 2 DACs. I believe I mentioned this in my AVP review and I certainly did in prior reviews such as the 5805 and 5803.

Thanks for the compliments.
Well, you're very welcome as you fully deserve them.

Absolutely agree on all counts. You hit the nail dead center: Implementation.
Well, pretty much all manufacturers have their ways at manipulating numbers
for business profits point of view.
Yes, you did mention in a second take, or more precisely (actual fact) Clint
DeBoer made a note also, upon having seen your review of the schematics
for the AVR-5803, in his review of the Denon AVR-3805. Date: June 08, 2004.

Good morning, good day, good evening and good night.



Question for Gene,

I have read your reviews on the Denon 4308 and the Pioneer Elite SC-07, both excellent reviews. Have you had the opportunity to review the NAD T785HD? I am very curious how the new NAD would compare with the two mentioned above.

If you have not reviewed the NAD, do you have plans to do so in the near future?



Audioholics Master Chief
Question for Gene,

I have read your reviews on the Denon 4308 and the Pioneer Elite SC-07, both excellent reviews. Have you had the opportunity to review the NAD T785HD? I am very curious how the new NAD would compare with the two mentioned above.

If you have not reviewed the NAD, do you have plans to do so in the near future?

No NAD gets little to no internet coverage from any of the online magazines. We've requested review samples several times and never got a response. Years ago we asked their Marketing Director at CES for a review sample of their DVD player and they said if we do any objective testing they would not send us one for review. Go figure.


No NAD gets little to no internet coverage from any of the online magazines. We've requested review samples several times and never got a response. Years ago we asked their Marketing Director at CES for a review sample of their DVD player and they said if we do any objective testing they would not send us one for review. Go figure.
Thanks for the response. I have a T773 and was hoping that there would be some comparisons in the market with NAD's new offerings compared with other top names.

If you were in the market for a new unit and you had to choose from the Onkyo 906, Denon 4308, Pioneer Elite SC-07 or perhaps the Yamaha RXZ7, which way would you lean (similar price point)?

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Thanks for the response. I have a T773 and was hoping that there would be some comparisons in the market with NAD's new offerings compared with other top names.

If you were in the market for a new unit and you had to choose from the Onkyo 906, Denon 4308, Pioneer Elite SC-07 or perhaps the Yamaha RXZ7, which way would you lean (similar price point)?

That's a tough one. They are all top-notch.
At the end, price will be a factor.
So, for the best value (price), I will personally go with the Onkyo 906.
But that's just me. And by the way, I am a realist type of guy. I go with
the facts, my wallet. ;) And the 906 gets all I want. :)


P.S. Isn't the thread about the Denon AVP-A1 & POA-A1?
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Full Audioholic
Hey Gene if you get a chance, is there in anyway you can ask Jeff why the price hike on the upcoming Universal? The price has gone from 3,800 then to $4,200 now $4,500.



I’m really intrigued by the incredible reviews of the Dennon separates and am considering taking the dive and parting with some hard earned cash in a tough economy. There are a few questions, though that I’d really appreciate your help in understanding as I don’t think that it’s the type of thing that a local dealer is going to help me with. For that matter I appreciate the unbiased input of people on this forum anyway:

1. How good is the remote? This may sound like a silly question but I plan on using the system in my living room where there is no TV, only a projector screen that retracts into the ceiling. Therefore, if I want to play music, networked music in particular, without having to turn on the projector will the remote be sufficient? Or do I need to purchase something like a Sonus system or Logitech Transporter with a Duet controller to see playlists on the remote, play rhapsody, etc? On the latter, which would you expect to have the better d/a converters the Dennon or the transporter?
2. As an alternative to the above will a Harmony 1100 remote let you see the playlists for the Dennon?
3. The new top-of-the-line Dennon Blue Ray transport looks amazing but comes with a heavy price tag. If I’ve got music covered above, what’s the advantage of going with the Dennon over a cheaper Blue Ray player? I assume that D/A converters in the AVP will handle the conversion of sound into analog on movies and the Realta chip in the Dennon Blue Ray Player is only used for upscaling meaning that it doesn’t come into play when playing blue ray disks. For upconverting dvds I assume that I could use my existing dvd player and use the realta chip in the AVP to do the upscaling.

Can anyone help me with all of this?




I’m really intrigued by the incredible reviews of the Dennon separates and am considering taking the dive and parting with some hard earned cash in a tough economy. There are a few questions, though that I’d really appreciate your help in understanding as I don’t think that it’s the type of thing that a local dealer is going to help me with. For that matter I appreciate the unbiased input of people on this forum anyway:

1. How good is the remote? This may sound like a silly question but I plan on using the system in my living room where there is no TV, only a projector screen that retracts into the ceiling. Therefore, if I want to play music, networked music in particular, without having to turn on the projector will the remote be sufficient? Or do I need to purchase something like a Sonus system or Logitech Transporter with a Duet controller to see playlists on the remote, play rhapsody, etc? On the latter, which would you expect to have the better d/a converters the Dennon or the transporter?
2. As an alternative to the above will a Harmony 1100 remote let you see the playlists for the Dennon?
3. The new top-of-the-line Dennon Blue Ray transport looks amazing but comes with a heavy price tag. If I’ve got music covered above, what’s the advantage of going with the Dennon over a cheaper Blue Ray player? I assume that D/A converters in the AVP will handle the conversion of sound into analog on movies and the Realta chip in the Dennon Blue Ray Player is only used for upscaling meaning that it doesn’t come into play when playing blue ray disks. For upconverting dvds I assume that I could use my existing dvd player and use the realta chip in the AVP to do the upscaling.

Can anyone help me with all of this?
Hi ArrisPlaya,

The AVP-A1 & POA-A1 are indeed state of the art at the current time.

The remote of the Denon is a weak point. You'll be much better with a Logitech Harmony high end remote control indeed. The Logitech Transporter
is a top-notch remote, and will probably suffice in your application.

As for the Denon 2500 blu-ray transport (which I assume is the one you refer to), why not considering the 3800? But with the AVP-A1, the 2500 is an excellent choice, because the AVP is doing all the D/A and processing, which is top-notch. But the 2500 is slow to load a disc.

I'm sure that Gene can provide you with additional insights.

I also consider purchasing the Denon combination, but I have to balance
my budget and my options.

Good luck to you on your quest to the State-of-the-art,

________ Bob


Hello thread :)

I purchased an AVP-A1HDCI over the weekend and so far I love it! Right now I'm looking into replacing my B&K amp with the POA. I've been looking for technical details on the POA topology, but have some open questions...

1. I know that the POA isn't really a monoblock design (although it advertises as such), but I'd like more information on the power section. Denon's description is extremely confusing. From looking at the diagrams it looks like there are four toroidal transformers, 2 powering each of the 5 left/right channels. Is that correct? I have to say, from the pictures, the transformers look like they are EI. That isn't the case... is it?

2. Is each single channel fully balanced (amplified +/- signals), or is bridging required to get a fully balanced signal?

3. Is the POA Class-A/B from top to bottom? Some amps, such as the B&K amps, advertise Class-A "pre-driver circuitry" with a Class-A/B output section.

4. I see there are fans on the bottom side of the unit. Do these fans stay off until you drive the unit hard and the temp goes up?

P.S. - Gene, love your review and the fantastic information I've found in this thread from you and your contact with Denon!


Hello thread :)

I purchased an AVP-A1HDCI over the weekend and so far I love it! Right now I'm looking into replacing my B&K amp with the POA. I've been looking for technical details on the POA topology, but have some open questions...

1. I know that the POA isn't really a monoblock design (although it advertises as such), but I'd like more information on the power section. Denon's description is extremely confusing. From looking at the diagrams it looks like there are four toroidal transformers, 2 powering each of the 5 left/right channels. Is that correct? I have to say, from the pictures, the transformers look like they are EI. That isn't the case... is it?

2. Is each single channel fully balanced (amplified +/- signals), or is bridging required to get a fully balanced signal?

3. Is the POA Class-A/B from top to bottom? Some amps, such as the B&K amps, advertise Class-A "pre-driver circuitry" with a Class-A/B output section.

4. I see there are fans on the bottom side of the unit. Do these fans stay off until you drive the unit hard and the temp goes up?

P.S. - Gene, love your review and the fantastic information I've found in this thread from you and your contact with Denon!

Hi Jason,

The best place for all your questions about the Denon POA-A1HDci multichannel power amplifier is: AVS forum in the official thread of Denon
AVP-A1HDci & POA-A1HDci combo.
You will found there all the answers to all your questions.
And according to the majority of people, the POA-A1 is a fantastic beast of
tremendous power and options for channel assignments. Your AVP-A1 is the perfect match for it. I highly recommend that you consider purchasing it, to
completely integrate with your AVP-A1.




Ha, actually I posted here because nobody on AVS knew the answer to my questions :(

I did place my order today though - it should be here by Tuesday!

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