Use one of top three AVs, watch for 2 nasty viruses released today
The top ones are Symantec (also Norton), McAfee and Trend Micro.
As more and more spyware and viruses and other mal-ware are being introduced the time need to real-time check and zero day check continues to go up.
If you have an older PC this checking time can cause a significant slow-down. In some cases in our company we were able to overcome with additional memory and in other cases we had to upgrade.
You can also clean-up your PC with some fee spyware and ad-aware cleaners. (be careful there are look-alikes now with similar names) the original Spybot Search and Destroy is very good and is still free. The lavasoft free ad-aware is still very good; however, they try very hard to hawk their porduct that costs. Both of these will clean out your PC pretty good.
The other thing to look at is what other things you have running. Especially look in you "start-up" folder. Most items in there can be cleaned-out, ie. removed with no effect).
Lastly, what ever security software you have, you can tune it to perfrom better. For example, if you are really paranoid you can check every file type whether it is executable or not, it is marginally safer but takes a lot more PC processor resources. Or you can check just executable, much faster and stiil picks up 96-98% of viruses/malware. At minimum you should run the real-time virus/Trojan/malware detection and enable automatic pattern file/virus signature updates.
There are some free anti-virus software products that are pretty good and AVG is one of them. But be aware, sometimes you get what you pay for. In my professional opinion, and actually IT Security is my profession, you should pick one of the top three.
Having said all that there are two very nasty virus that are hitting the Internet email today :
If you receive an email with the subject lines of either: “You've received A Hallmark E-Card!” or “IKEA’s New Planning Software” DO NOT OPEN and please DELETE IMMEDIATELY.
These are so nasty and bad, the only way currently to recover is to reimage the PC. That is reload all software from original instalaltion CDs.
Be Safe,
Security Architect - MidCow2