Hey HUGE props and congrats to you, Alex. It is one of
the most difficult addictions to break.
Think of the money you can save now for audio gear!!

125 packs buys a pretty nice subwoofer.
That was the carrot...here comes the stick. I smoked ~2.5 packs/day. I managed to quit by having a tobacco-caused massive coronary at the unripe and otherwise healthy age of 44. (I was anoxic for over 5 minutes which explains my goofiness/nonsense here on the forum.) Being in a coma for a couple of days, intubated, in ICU for 5 days, and then on oxygen for 10 days...gave me a head start to quitting.

Before this nice jolt of motivation, I had tried to quit a number of times (pre-patch days, tho').
DO IT, Alex. My best advice is to replace the habit of smoking with other (preferrably healthy) habits. Chew gum. Eat broccoli. Troll for babes. (You'll smell better to 'em now.

) Anything. Just quit...make up your mind to do it and you will.
Happy 2009!!