After comments on a sub design post, I think it is worth while for me to take a step back and evaluate my objectives and the most efective way to get there.
I think I rolled up several issues into one post without identifying or looking at any of them closely.
My Objective: better sound for pipe organ music. Well OK, I do also want a better response for movies, but music comes first.
Better Room. This is prompted by a comment by TLSguy about where most of the bass in pipe organ music resides: up in the 30Hz region. My current sub has a -3db point of 28Hz, and with significant room gain, I
think I get good extension down to around 21Hz.
I am quite happy with the integration of my current sub into my HT, is is quite seemless/transparent. Frequency/room response is another issue.
The yellow is with some treatment, purple is without. There are two issues I find: boomy bass at some frequencies, notes that just loose their visceral feel and strength at the bottom end of the range.
I am confident proper treatment will take care of the boom. Will it help put some of the oomph back in??
Better Bass. In the HT world, lower is better seems to be the mantra. On the sites I currently frequent, there is little/no discussion of the possible tradeoffs of design choices for subs just: big driver, big amp, low tuning.
There are two things I wonder about:
1. how low a tuning do I really need to get the bottom notes on a pipe organ.
2. If I tune lower, am I trading something off at the top end where more of the music resides? When looking at a larger driver, the constant temptation is to tune to 15Hz and get all that lf stuff in movies while I am at it. I don't see any discussions of the tradeoffs of low tuning.
Better Driver. This one really confounds me. When I was researching may mains purchase, there is a lot of discussion of driver performance and design tradeoffs to achieve a level of quality. That discussion seems to be completely missing from sub design discussions (expept the Kappa Perfect build).
As an example, I can choose the Perfect 12 or the Mach5 MJ18M to do the same thing. One is pushed to the limit, the other plays well within spec. Outside of size and cost tradeoffs, I have no way of knowing what the relative performance of the two drivers is. Outside of one car audio site, nobody seems to look at the performance of the raw driver. Does physics change below 80Hz??
Help me sort through this to figure out where to concentrate to reach my goals.