So, I have this friend/work acquantance who is some what of an audiophile. I think most of his gear is around 10 years old, but he has some experience in higher end audio stuff, and has some decent gear. Every once in a while we will get into a conversation about something audio related, like some new jazz or rock artist we like... speaker selections.. or whatever.
Anyway, yesterday we started talking about speaker wire, HDMI cables, etc... and I figured out that this guy is drowning in Snake Oil. He won't really say the specifics, but he has definitly invested some cash into some really expensive speaker cables. So when I tried to educate him on cable selections, and of course speaker wire snake oil, he fought back like a cornered cat. He just refuses to believe that he might of wasted money on really expensive cables. Unfortunately for me, I am not super articulate when it comes to laying out the facts for him... so I tried to find some articles on the web for him to read. I found a couple decent ones, but he of course shot those down as well. He literally told me that doing a
blind test between two sets of speaker wires would be a flawed way to test speaker cables. He says that when he changes them out on his own, he can always hear the better cables. I told HIM, that knowing which cable you have just hooked up, automatically introduces some pre-existing bias into your listening, and he just brushes me off as an idiot.
So my question for help is, can you guys point me to some REALLY good articles about this subject? Perhaps an artical from a critical listener, with a REALLY good blind test? something I can really smack him with? I need some REAL and SOLID results.