What was your "wow" moment?



Full Audioholic
I'm just wondering when, if ever you had a moment when you thought "now THIS is why I bought a ht system"? My stytem is hardly high-end: JBL Venues, Dayton sub, Sony STR-DG510, but my wow moment happened watching King Kong. The audio on that disc was just awesome, and the scene where Naomi Watts tries to escape and King Kong's foot stomps down in front of her made me jump out of my seat! The only problem, is now I wonder what high end gear is like if my modest system can do that.


Audioholic Slumlord
My first one was 3 years ago when I first bought the system and music did come out of the speakers after I hooked it up. I'm sure it sounded like @$$ but to me it was the harps of angels.
(Quiet banphan, this is sacred) :)

The last one was a few days ago when I got to see my girlfriend up and out of her seat like she was headed for the hills in the first 5 minutes of Iron Man. Something loud scared the crap out of her. :D

There have been many in between. If it was otherwise I would have found something else to fool with. The best compliment came from my brother in law. He's the technical directer of the Tennessee Theater in Knoxville. I played Phantom Of The Opera for him and he said, "that sounds nice". :cool:

Edit: Oh yeah, my system is modest too. Mike C probably has people wear depends the first time they watch a movie with him. :eek: :D


I have always liked golf ..

When I upgraded to 7002s and could actually hear the club head hit the ball it felt like I was on the course watching live.

Of course watching Iron Man last night was also awesome! That guy is really smart; he could almost qualify as an audioholic.

Bring me another Coors Light!

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Audioholic Chief
Mine was an audio moment. I took a seat in front of some Era D14's with a Musical Fidelity A5.5 integrated amp. I was hooked from then on.


Audioholic Jedi
I've had a few, but two come to mind.

1) Shortly after I had purchased my DVD player and could finally experience Dolby Digital back in early 1998, I played Air Force One. The scene when the F-15s sweep around Air Force One and sound goes around the room brought a huge smile to my face...many, many times as I continued to replay it.

2) After I got my PC13-Ultra hooked up, and I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I had never felt anything in the movie...until then. When Brad Pitt is driving the dune buggy, he jumps a hill and lands. I felt that with such impact that I couldn't believe how great it sounded and felt.


I've had a few, but two come to mind.

1) Shortly after I had purchased my DVD player and could finally experience Dolby Digital back in early 1998, I played Air Force One. The scene when the F-15s sweep around Air Force One and sound goes around the room brought a huge smile to my face...many, many times as I continued to replay it.

2) After I got my PC13-Ultra hooked up, and I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I had never felt anything in the movie...until then. When Brad Pitt is driving the dune buggy, he jumps a hill and lands. I felt that with such impact that I couldn't believe how great it sounded and felt.

SVS PC13-Ultra awesome -- can't wait until my SVScomes in.

Take care Adam

okay the really big moment I cranked up my Marantz 1060 connected to my Fisher Studio Standard synthesized AM/FM reciever into my Bose 901s laying on a waterbed couch with a black velvet like cover over looking the long red shag carpet in my townhouse and my roommate is out of town and listening to to the music, my date says let's go to your bedroom! ..... over 30 years ago LOL


Full Audioholic
SVS PC13-Ultra awesome -- can't wait until my SVScomes in.

Take care Adam

okay the really big moment I cranked up my Marantz 1060 connected to my Fisher Studio Standard synthesized AM/FM reciever into my Bose 901s laying on a waterbed couch with a black velvet like cover over looking the long red shag carpet in my townhouse and my roommate is out of town and listening to to the music, my date says let's go to your bedroom! ..... over 30 years ago LOL
Hah! I had a picture in my head straight from that 70's show.


Audioholic Chief
My “WOW” moment is when I added some DAK purchased equipment to my stereo system and played the then new Emerson, Lake and Powel CD at high volume. The equipment I added was dBX dynamic range expander, waveform peak restorer and sub-harmonic bass synthesizer plus an 18” passive subwoofer, which was set up like a coffee table. That was all before I had kids and could still crank it up.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
For me, it was not an action blockbuster but something far more subtle. There is a scene in What Lies Beneath with two couples having two simultaneous conversations in a booth at a restaraunt. Not only could I follow both conversations clearly, I could hear the direction that each voice was coming from. That impressed me!


When I first got my speakers.

Popped in my die hard DVD. I cranked the volume and waited for the THX sound. It was unbelievable.
I sat there listening THX sound for almost 15 minutes.


When I first got my Matrix 804s home and fired them up.My jaw dropped and I have been a B&W fan ever since....


Audioholic Field Marshall
First wow moment- listening to Dark Side of the Moon on my father's brand new 5.1 system (I don't even remember what he bought, I was only 18) and feeling totally blown away.

More recent wow moment- the first Blu Ray disc I watched, Casino Royale, specifically during the Venice scene where the entire building collapses. My sub caused the glass in my coffee table to vibrate, the pictures on the wall to shake, and my wife's jaw to drop while she looked at me and said "holy S*** that's awesome! We need to get more of these!".


Audioholic Intern
My first wow,
Was watching saving private ryan.
The scene were they,were on the beach and bullets fly around me and bombs. my sub woofer was going crazy. that was in dolby digital.:D


Audioholic Overlord
A "wow" moment happened when I received my SVS PB10-NSD! :eek::eek: The box was huge! ;);) Then, once it was set-up I had a very hard time believing it was ONLY a 10" sub and Not a 12" or 15". :D:D Lastly, I was "wowed" when SVS gave me the best customer service I have ever received even to this day. Kudos to Ed Mullen and Erik Kroner. You guys rock! :):) Keep up the good work.




The Kevin Costner movie “The Guardian” :)(I’m not a Costner fan either)

Myself, My Wife, My Kids…. in awe during that movie. The Black “Boiling Sea” against the White and Orange Coast Guard Helicopter, oh my!!!

If anybody else watches that movie in Blu-Ray, with a 5.1 or 7.1 setup.... I’d honestly suggest you wear a Motor Cycle Helmet and a Life Preserver.

You’ll feel more secure, enjoy the movie more… I’m telling you…. The picture and sound in that movie = Best one I'd seen to date.


Watching "The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" and having the walls literally shaking due to infrasonic bass output.


Yes i can see how B & W would cause WOW

When I first got my Matrix 804s home and fired them up.My jaw dropped and I have been a B&W fan ever since....
Well Duh! Very, very nice speakers ;) ;) what did you expect :D


Okay got me thinking (and Giggling), another moment

One day I was watching NASCAR, its loud, my 15 year old walks in says
"What the heck are you watching this crap for? You hate this stuff!?!"

Me: "Sit down and listen..."


My "WOW" didn't come from my speaker but my projector. The first time I turned on my projector.....DAMN...........I was about to piss in my pants with joy. There is no other feeling like it. :D. I can't wait to get my hands on a 1080P projector.

Eventhough, I enjoy my speakers, I haven't been able to come close to the kind of "WOW" with my speakers as with my projector. Hopefully, someday I'll find that "WOW" with a speaker.

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