At my company, I report directly to the CEO and CAO. They always give me the worst tasks and processess. I finally asked why they make me do these manual, mundane, nonesensical things to do. The responded that since I'm the laziest person alive, they know I won't put up with doing anything manual or time consuming and I'll automate it.
So maybe I'm good at that. I guess I'm great at daydreaming. I think about the media room I would like to build with my McIntosh and B&W gear. I'm really good at getting hurt too. I've had over 300 stitches and broken about 20 bones in lifetime. That's pretty incredible.... I guess.
... well here's one! My wife was just looking over my shoulder reading what I wrote and she said I'm an awsome kisser!!!!!!!! Well there you have it! I thought about pressing her a bit more and taking that to the next level but I didn't want to push my luck. In fact... now I'm wondering what that was gonna cost me. I'm probably gonna have to take her shopping tomorrow after work!