I don't have the turbo so I have one port plugged and max extension. I have Crossover set to out. I use the Yamaha RXV2600 subwoofer Pre Out to the sub. My L,R Vandersteen 2ci are large.
The YPAO sets it up as follows. Crossover 200Hz, Size: L,R large, BL,BR large, Bass Out: to both SWFR and L,R, Levels: L,R +9dB, C +6.5, SL,SR +5, BL,BR +4, HSU sub -9dB
So I like Greg's suggestion of boosting the sub level 4dB and I could set the crossover down to 100Hz. The quality of the sub seems pretty amazing. A 16Hz organ on their test CD sounds perfect. I probably just need that extra 4dB on the HT rumble. If you notice anything I'm doing wrong please let me know.
This forum always gives excellent advice. Thanks.