I don't want to start some kind of new "my speakers are better than yours" kinda thing, but I have to respectfully disagree with you. I just recently got my 7002's and I have to say that I'm quite pleased with their musical performance. Every since they first came on the scene and became popular with the home theater crowd, this has been a common and recurring statement. Ironically, much the same was said about Atlantic Technology when they came to relevance about the same time.
I've listened to a lot of speakers, granted, I can't say I've done so in a controlled environment where I could listen to them side by side to compare, but I think I've gotten a pretty good exposure over the years to know what I like... and in the end... with any comparable quality built speaker... we are talking about personal preference and little else. I defy anyone to explain to me what the "best" sounding speaker is and why... vs.. another. What you will find is a dissertation on opinion and preference.
I find the peformance of the 7002's quite extraordinary. I think the strong points are imaging and soundstage. Granted, like a lot of speakers, room setup and positioning is critical, but this should not be considered a fault, just a requirement. I have two positions for my speakers... everyday and critical listening and I can say with complete matter of factness that the difference is significant between just a move of a foot or so.
I think these speakers sing. I spent a few hours this weekend listening from everything from Norah Jones to Metallica. Having heard Norah Jones live, I was thrilled to hear the unique and wonderful texture of her voice replicted with aplomb. From nuance to sheer thunder of the orchestra playing with Metallica, I didn't once feel let down in any way by these speakers. After about 4-5 hours of non-stop listening, I did not feel fatigued at all like I have with many other setups nor did I feel musical quality left anything to be desired in any real way. I'm not saying Def Techs are the end all be all of the speaker world... hardly, but they do provide an awful lot of performance for the money they cost and for if they cost a lot more. The are not my dream speaker. The 800 series B&W's are, but ironically, I've been told those speakers "suck" by any number of people... even here. So I say again, it's all subjective. Some folks love Klipsch and others roll their eyes at those big horns and feel they have no place in any "true" audiophile room. Def Techs are one of those speakers that on any given day you will read or hear heaps of praise or acute disdain for... mostly by folks who shouldn't be commenting either way.
I would suggest to the OP to listen to as many speakers as you can. Best Buy Magnolia stores carry Def Techs and at least in the store by me, they have a pretty nice room setup where you can actually a/b several models against a few other of the better model speaker names.