Ok, my turn to vent for no reason whatsoever.
I bought my house in Feb 2005 and it was only 2 years old at the time. It's in an 'upscale' neighborhood (or so the press would like you to believe). I had a thorough inspection and it looked very good to me, not to mention that it was kind of a fire sale because the owners needed to get out quick to relocate and I got it for what ended up being
way below market. The front of the house faces the 15th tee of the golf course (no house across the street from me, just golf course) and the street is mostly quiet and with good neighbors.
Ok, now the reality of houses:
- I had to do re-do some of the 'wired for surround sound'. Wires too short, wired to the wrong place, no cat5 for phone or network in the master, etc. Absolutely nothing labeled. That's all fixed to my satisfaction.
- My AC is noisy due to close proximity to the living room. I knew this when I purchased. My solution was to install sound dampening sheets and acoustical tile in the enclosure (it reduced the noise about 10 dB). But..I discovered they used some cheap reject wood for the supports and what I consider shoddy work - like 5 nails toe-nailed into one side and ONE into the other. Did the best I could and wood filled, primed, and painted that. Ok, done with that for now until I get around to ripping out all the drywall and really insulating it.
- My garage door opener sensors were installed 18" above the ground. A small child could walk right under it and never trigger the auto-reverse (it's supposed to be 5-6"). I fixed that myself and discovered that one of the studs is split because they either didn't drill a pilot hole before attaching the lag bolt or tightened it too much. I'm sure it won't fall down tomorrow, but that bugs me. Repair job on the horizon?
- At 5.5 years old, I think the 'builder basic' crap is starting to deteriorate - like the single coat of flat paint and 50 cents per square foot carpet. Which incidentally is why I am trying to find tile I like to replace that crap.
- The exterior is mostly fine but it is just a matter of time before it deteroriates if I don't paint and re-caulk soon.
- Apparently my trees don't know that I'd like them to grow straight up and maintain a nice shape. My little trees in the backyard are now
humongous. That's something I can't do myself - get ready for $800-$1000 bill sometime soon.
- I get my lawn guy to weed and re-mulch my flower beds in the front. It takes roughly three months for it to go from beautiful to a weed infested eyesore.
- The fence in the back yard is starting to pull away from the posts. Who owns the fence, me or my neighbor or both? Add that to the soon to be a bill.
There are other little nits that annoy me. Most people don't notice the little issues I notice and think the house is beautiful. It's all just normal stuff, but does it ever end? It's not even the money, it's the time and the order in which things must be done. No sense in getting a new TV before I commence the tile job because it will just be another big heavy object to move...and I still haven't settled on a tile.
This is a picture of the same model house for sale around the corner from me:
http://www.hometoaustin.com/abordata/images/6109459_10.jpg I'm shooting for something similar when I decide on tile but I don't have my couches arranged in the designer friendly but unliveable arrangement like they do.
Ok, done ranting. Buy a house...it's awesome.

The fun never ends.