Yeah, really.
Actually I was think why the flagship models from Denon (AVP, 5308), Onkyo (905), Yamaha (Z11), etc., don't just use the flagship PCM-1792 DACs?
Sure, they may all sound the same. But then again, a $5K receiver may also sound the same as a $800 receiver. I think buyers of these flagship models would want some kind of "distinction" that separates them from everyone else?
Besides the "heat" and possible "reliability" issues, which may not be true, the Onkyo 805-905 look great.
It makes some people wonder why an $800 Onkyo 805 has the PCM-1796 and the $5K Yamaha Z11, $5K Denon 5308, and $7K Denon AVP-A1 also have the same PCM-1796 DACs?
I guess that's one reason I could not bring myself to buying the AVP-A1 or 5308; my DVD-5910CI has the flagship PCM-1792 & Realta chip, so why bother getting something LESS (PCM-1792) that costs MORE?