When is justice to be served?



Audioholic Samurai
That's pretty strong words, If it's any relief... The shrub doesn't get any stars where I live.... Well if he got any it would be from a mighty powerful kick in the face ;)
Yeah, but you're from Norway, so your opinion doesn't count anyway. :D j/k.


Audioholic Warlord

I just heard on the news that Hillary was NOT shot at by snipers when she was in Bosnia in 1996...... :confused:


Audioholic Ninja
Some places in the south of Norway are fantastic!!!! at summertime, small cosy places with white wooden houses and friendly people, you may sit at the dock in the sunshine with a pint and having a nice summer breeze from the sea sweep your face.... while you may look at the ocean just out there :cool:

We're having such a holiday this summer, I'll post some photos later If you like :D
Sure post some pics, that'll be nice. Right now, where I live it's sunny, blue skies, not a cloud and the temperature is:74 degrees F. Living in Miami is a kin to living in a tropical paradise, but with all the annoyances of a major city.


Audioholic Samurai

I just heard on the news that Hillary was NOT shot at by snipers when she was in Bosnia in 1996...... :confused:
That's our proud liberal leadership, lying cheating and stealing their way into the White House... :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja

I just heard on the news that Hillary was NOT shot at by snipers when she was in Bosnia in 1996...... :confused:
Well what probably happened was she was shot at, but when the bullets saw her face they turned around and headed back to the sniper.


Audioholic Warlord
Yeah, but you're from Norway, so your opinion doesn't count anyway. :D j/k.
I know, but it's great fun to pretend that it does :D

Well anyways, the Norwegian minister of foreign affairs is going to provide strong protests against China's behavior in Tibet, and they're working on how to use the olympics to make the protest as strong as possible. We're such a small country and will not have much of an impact, but if more countries did the same :rolleyes:
If US and Russia did that, it would be seriously nice.....

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
the safety and security that you have enjoyed during the last 7 years.
This country has never been less safe and secure than during the Bush regime. Of all the shrub's many offenses, the worst was adding insult to injury by refusing the offers of cooperation extended to the US by many other countries after 9/11. Imagine how much more safe and secure we would be if he had accepted those offers instead of saying "To hell with all of you! We are cowboys. We are vigilantes. Jeeeeeeehaaaaad!":mad:


Audioholic Warlord
This country has never been less safe and secure than during the Bush regime. Of all the shrub's many offenses, the worst was adding insult to injury by refusing the offers of cooperation extended to the US by many other countries after 9/11. Imagine how much more safe and secure we would be if he had accepted those offers instead of saying "To hell with all of you! We are cowboys. We are vigilantes. Jeeeeeeehaaaaad!":mad:
Very much of the criticism that we see around here revolves around the lacking cooperation and operations without the support from UN or other countries. It's of course very easy to sit here in a safe place writing things like that; But I seriously believe that if the US leaders were not in such a hurry and could spend more time to get coordinated operations... Some of the foundations of the terrorism attacks would be eliminated... Not completely cause there are too many maniacs out there, but I certainly believe there's a foundation to what you're writing there

-Harald N


Audioholic Samurai
This country has never been less safe and secure than during the Bush regime. Of all the shrub's many offenses, the worst was adding insult to injury by refusing the offers of cooperation extended to the US by many other countries after 9/11. Imagine how much more safe and secure we would be if he had accepted those offers instead of saying "To hell with all of you! We are cowboys. We are vigilantes. Jeeeeeeehaaaaad!":mad:
Incredible.... simply incredible. Do you really want me to take you down on this one or are you just trying to get a rise? I'm sure somebody will step in soon and offer the facts even as I hold myself in check, because quite frankly it's useless. So I'll let you do the talking for a change Joe, please indulge me:

1.) List for me the countries who offered assistance and whom we refused said assistance. (I can think of a few who refused to help when asked...) 'Oui, monsieur, your chariot awaits...'

2.) Name for me any incident of violence by jihadists or otherwise Islamic terrorists that have occured on US soil in the wake of 9/11. Sleep well tonight, and thank a US Soldier while you're at it.

3.) "Of the many offenses..." is too broad. Please feel free to break it down and list everything you think is wrong with the current administration. Or don't - the beauty of it is I could care less.

4.) Name one substantial reason a democratic led government will do better, comrade.


Audioholic Ninja
This country has never been less safe and secure than during the Bush regime. Of all the shrub's many offenses, the worst was adding insult to injury by refusing the offers of cooperation extended to the US by many other countries after 9/11. Imagine how much more safe and secure we would be if he had accepted those offers instead of saying "To hell with all of you! We are cowboys. We are vigilantes. Jeeeeeeehaaaaad!":mad:
Come on, which countries offered real help? They were all defecating in their collective panties, all horrified they would be next. If any of their offers were genuine, do you think that we would have to go at it alone except for a few countries that have shown courage: Britain and Canada and behind the scenes Israel. Neither China nor Russia offered help except condolences, France was crying like a little girl so was Germany, gilded horses the lot.


Audioholic Warlord
Come on, which countries offered real help? They were all defecating in their collective panties, all horrified they would be next. If any of their offers were genuine, do you think that we would have to go at it alone except for a few countries that have shown courage: Britain and Canada and behind the scenes Israel. Neither China nor Russia offered help except condolences, France was crying like a little girl so was Germany, gilded horses the lot.
Well, at least there are armed forces from Norway in Afghanistan running after Osama, and they've been in very hard gunfights, and Norwegians are getting killed there for the sake of fighting terrorism......
And the Air force is there too with F16's :cool:

we have never been scared.... We fought the Nazis in WW-II from fishing boats with guns hidden in wooden barrels
And the Nazi's were never clever enough to catch those guys, beat that

My father (just barely 20 years old) and his fellows set out to sink the Tirpits with mini subs rebuilt as torpedo's, they were launched from a fishing boat, and they missed by 50 feet from a distance of three miles. Of course, the Nazis were never clever enough to catch the Norwegian resistance guys....
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Audioholic Ninja
Well, at least there are armed forces from Norway in Afghanistan running after Osama, and they've been in very hard gunfights, and Norwegians are getting killed there for the sake of fighting terrorism......
And the Air force is there too with F16's :cool:

we have never been scared.... We fought the German's from fishing boats with guns hidden in wooden barrels
I have no beef with Norway, just with panty wearing French and German politicians.

Also the generation that did those brave acts are no longer around, ask how many young guys today will do what their grandparents did in WW2, the answer, I wager, will be depressing.


Audioholic Warlord
I have no beef with Norway, just with panty wearing French and German politicians.

Also the generation that did those brave acts are no longer around, ask how many young guys today will do what their grandparents did in WW2, the answer, I wager, will be depressing.
Pictures coming up in late July

I actually believe that if Southern Florida was invaded, or Europe invaded and our whole existence threatened..... The young generation would fight back, in the same way as back then....


Audioholic Overlord
Why? What other choice did we have?

I felt betrayed the day that the American people re-elected the shrub, in spite of the obvious damage that he caused in his first term. If there had been a time when I wanted to be involved in politics previously, that would have ended it. Suddenly, it felt like living in a foreign country.
that joker the Dems were running had his house of cards fall down all over himself the weeks before the election.

It became clear to the American public that his only platform was "I'm not Bush". While that's all well and good in theory and was a fine drawing point, people were asking what solutions he had to offer us, and his basic reply was "wait until I get into office".

So, let's see who can offer better, realistic solutions this time around. Pie-in-the-sky rhetoric sure sounds pretty but, like Frosty the Snowman, it melts in the harsh glare of direct sunlight.


Audioholic Spartan
Some places in the south of Norway are fantastic!!!! at summertime, small cosy places with white wooden houses and friendly people, you may sit at the dock in the sunshine with a pint and having a nice summer breeze from the sea sweep your face.... while you may look at the ocean just out there :cool:

We're having such a holiday this summer, I'll post some photos later If you like :D
Hi Haraldo, Norway sounds nice!

As I read this thread, I became curious of Norway's policy toward illegal aliens?
Also, legal immigration: could I come there and own property, get a skilled job, vote?
What's your opinion on Norway, and immigration?


Audioholic Warlord
Hi Haraldo, Norway sounds nice!

As I read this thread, I became curious of Norway's policy toward illegal aliens?
Also, legal immigration: could I come there and own property, get a skilled job, vote?
What's your opinion on Norway, and immigration?
Illegal immigrants is an issue here, there are many many coming from all over, and they throw away all their ID's and "sand" their fingers so that the fingerprints are not there anymore....
Hence, impossible to identify... So we cannot send them anywhere, because we don't know where to send them. This is quite annoying because it takes resources from people that try to follow the rules... I believe immigrants must obey the rules!!
I guess there are many "economic" immigrants, coming to the country doing nothing, they don't want to work and then they complain because they're not getting enough help.

Issues asides, there's a very liberal immigration policy, and we're doing a lot to help people from countries where people need help... This also goes fro Sweden and Denmark.
Are you aware that the City of Soedertelje in Sweden housed about as many refugees from Iraq last year as the whole of US! :eek:

Immigration is very fine, but the immigrants should get sweat on their hands and do some descent work !!!!

You could certainly get to Norway and work, I don't think descent guys from the US would have a problem, I'm not quite sure how the rules are, but generally it shouldn't be a problem. Guess you need a Visa or something, but there are so many people from the US working around here...

And everybody in Norway speak English, you would never have a language problem

Yes, you could own a property, but must be Norwegian citizen to vote

I'm working in the IT industry and there's a huge demand for IT professionals, there are way more requests for positions than what we are able to fulfill.... A result of the high oil prices and a great many projects happening in the Industry, we live very well here now...

Some of you guys would enjoy North of Norway in the summer, like Tromsø and Hammerfest (the northernmost city in the world). With the midnight sun it's light as in the middle of the day.... at midnight :cool: - Remember sunglasses !

I could say a lot of things, but right now people out there's claiming that this is amongst top three countries to live.
Another landmark city, Copenhagen and Denmark. A city you have to visit, I love Denmark and Danes are amongst the friendliest people in the world (As long as you're not Swedish and visiting Denmark :eek:)

Norway houses the closest population of Krell Amplifiers in the world

I could write heaps more, more coming up later if you like !!


Harald N
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Audioholic Samurai
Bush is such a total loser that that should have been sufficient!:eek:
Thanks for trying to dodge my question Joe - good response there. Why is it every time I challenge you to come forth with any substantial facts, figures and data to support your position, I get nothing? Hmmmmmm....... :rolleyes:

Better start learning that Chinese, time's a wastin'...

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