I spend some time on another forum where its mostly hi end gear,lots of Mcintosh owners there who are getting into the MOD MY GEAR kick,wtf is wrong with people
I dont get the whole theory of modding ANY expensive gear,im not trying to say that Mcintosh is the end all even though it is for me
what im getting at is the business end of it,all hi end people ive met or know change gear like the weather,why on earth would anybody purposely do a mod to a peice of gear thats assured to lower its resale value by 20% atleast,
People who buy new Mcintosh & other new hi end gear obviously have money,how did they obtain this money is what i wonder,if a person with money isnt smart enough to know how to protect their investment they wont have much money for long.
The last nut job wants to tear apart his brand new Mac amp (can you say expensive) & have aftermarket speaker terminals installed so he can fit his anaconda sized speaker wires on the amp,is this kind of thinking totally off the hook or what,to me its bass akwards,even if your an esoteric wire kinda guy wouldnt the smart business move be to mod the wire to fit the amp,wires have the biggest resale loss of all & amps have the lowest losses.
To me that kind of thinking is borderline ignorant,no different than buying a Ferrari & then modding it to look like a Ford.I dont get it,sometimes i want to reach straight through the screen & wrench some morons scrawny pencil neck
OK,i feel slightly better now .