Though not a dog, IBM stock during the 52 week period that ended in 8-25-06 fluctuated in value from 72.73 and 89.94 per share. On 8-25-06 the value of stock ranged between 79.14 and 80.00 per share, slightly lower than the year's high value, the company really hasn't made or lost much since last year. As for their five year outlook, the stock fluctuated from a high of $120 per share to a low under $60.00, the spread was experienced in 2002. Since '02 the stock has mellowed making slight adjustments to its value year after year. Between 2002 and 2003 the value went from a bit over $120.00 down to $80.00 per, then between '03 and '04 there was a slight improvement to $93.00 per, then between '05 and '06 a slight downturn occurred where it opened at $81.00 per. According to analysts IBM looks strong, but it's inability to make real gains over the past 5 years point to internal weaknesses, also it's high debt to cash ratio and overall size of it's debt make a lot analysts leery. On the plus side, IBM does pay a dividend on it's stock at a rate of about 1.2 per, which is about a 1.5% yield.