Harman Kardon Beats Denon



Audioholic Spartan
He had purchased the 745 thinking it would be better, and he said it was, but decided that the 645 was enough for him and returned the 745. He is now using the 645, according to him (can't prove anything here, I could be using some Martin Logans with Krell Monoblocks and you wouldn't know it if I didn't want you to.:D)
As long as he's happy.:D


Audioholic Overlord
As long as he's happy.:D
Absolutely right, I thought he might keep upgrading about twice a week till he had one of these...

Not that it wouldn't be nice to have, but he could have just kept going.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
Stratman.. I think we'd be cousins

I believe I'm the only person on this site with a Panasonic receiver! Which fits my bill to the T. Panasonic SA-XR700, rare in these hills!:D

I have a Technics SA940 receiver... last thing on my upgrade list after the ummm.. wait wait, its the only thing left on my upgrade list :p


Audioholic Spartan
I have a Technics SA940 receiver... last thing on my upgrade list after the ummm.. wait wait, its the only thing left on my upgrade list :p
Only one thing left on your upgrade list?
I am so far from done..................:eek:


Audioholic Ninja
I have owned two Panasonic receivers and one Technics, they are alright, but not a personal favorite. I am a tad curious about the Class D receivers they have, but I already know I won't like their sound for music especially, because I just don't like Class D for full range applications (particularly the upper frequencies).
I have this for HT application only, I don't listen to music with my HT system, for 2 ch. music I've got my Krell amp, Krell pre and Proceed CD unit which sounds heavenly.:)


Audioholic Overlord
I have this for HT application only, I don't listen to music with my HT system, for 2 ch. music I've got my Krell amp, Krell pre and Proceed CD unit which sounds heavenly.:)
Of course, I understand that.:)


Audioholic Ninja
It's just that no one likes or takes Panny receivers seriously....I think they offer more bang for the buck than anyone else, they were the first to introduce an affordable AVR with hdmi 2 years ago, Audioholics reviewed it and liked it a lot. They're ultra reliable, but I guess it just doesn't have "the" name.:)


Audioholic Spartan
It's just that no one likes or takes Panny receivers seriously....I think they offer more bang for the buck than anyone else, they were the first to introduce an affordable AVR with hdmi 2 years ago, Audioholics reviewed it and liked it a lot. They're ultra reliable, but I guess it just doesn't have "the" name.:)
I think they have too much name.
A name that says, "We built boom boxes."

I have an old Panasonic receiver with a built in 8-track recorder/player. That sucker still works great. Those 25 watts can make my garage a very loud place.


Audioholic Ninja
I think they have too much name.
A name that says, "We built boom boxes."

I have an old Panasonic receiver with a built in 8-track recorder/player. That sucker still works great. Those 25 watts can make my garage a very loud place.
LOL!!!!! Remember that Yamaha builds a lot of junk too!:D:D

BTW, The acquisition deal to buy Harman International fell through!


Audioholic Spartan
LOL!!!!! Remember that Yamaha builds a lot of junk too!:D:D

BTW, The acquisition deal to buy Harman International fell through!
Who said anything about junk? I love that old receiver. My dad gave it to me when I was 12. Now that I'm 47, it still works as good as new.
As for Yamaha, my YZ125 and 250, as well as my enduro 360, all ran great for many years.

Edit: And my next projector just may be a Panny.


i am new to this forum, but i had to put my two cents in on this subject. as far as denon vs hk i would have to say the denon is better, because the hk runs real hot, i had one about two yrs ago and had to return it twice. as far as yamaha vs denon the yam is a bit on the bright side for my taste. and as far as the denon vs onkyo sound wise was not that much off from the denon and the onkyo ran real hot as well. all three are real good products, but for the long run and hassle free go with the denon( good product). my system polk rti38, polk csi40, polk r15, subs 1. ars112ps and rca sw100p( i know i have to upgrade my subs, waiting on my svs sould be here on this friday and you know what i will be doing)


Audioholic Slumlord
Am I to understand that an H/K-JBL mix is something less than God's gift to audio?:confused:

It's all spelled out in the sig..:D


Senior Audioholic
In all fairness, I feel this is just a marketing tactic that makes them appear more honest about their power ratings. Their benchtests next to comparably priced receivers tend to show fairly similar real power ratings.

The whole Onkyo being bright this is just silly. The audiophile reviewers typically say the same thing about each particular brand of receiver and that can bias opinions of potential consumers. Each make likes to market themselves to a particular audience. So, H/K is supposed to have a warm sound, Onkyo is supposed to be bright and lean on bass, Denon is supposed to be warm with a heavy low end, Yamaha is supposed to be edgy but overall powerful, Pioneer Elite is supposed to be warm... and so forth. It is all a bunch of bull.
Opps , the Yammy is edgy and ball less Not powerful :) ( recievers of course ) .


Senior Audioholic
Am I to understand that an H/K-JBL mix is something less than God's gift to audio?:confused:

It's all spelled out in the sig..:D
Hey for HT , its just fine . 2 channel its a different story .
Hey Elvis , nice thread and thanks for the work . Its a cool hobby :) .
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Audioholic Spartan
Don't know. But I do know that my Yamaha has enough balls to hit over 100db in a 700 sq ft room. Maybe he likes his music to be louder.


Senior Audioholic
Please tell me this is a joke.
No joke .
there good for movies Maybe with some Hi eff. speaks , 2 channel they plain old Suck , Ball Less , they just plain out bottom out . I know you prob. use Subs to make up the diff. :) . They maybe made some good Ref. Amps in the late 70's , but i never heard one . I would take an old NAD 3155 over any Yammy , anyday , atleast when the music demands the power i know the Old NAD will deliver .
I was serious Elvis , throw a Yammy into the mix , C what you think of there Amp sections .
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Audioholic Slumlord
Well it goes something like this

Only one thing left on your upgrade list?
I am so far from done..................:eek:
I'm happy with my PSB Image series, have a very decent turntable....a

dam you or bless you..I realized that I have to upgrade my DVD player but I want one unit that plays all, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu Ray, SACD, and DVD-A so I'm gonna sit this one out for a while waitimng for the prices to drop.

To get any noticeable improvent in sound, I would have to pay about 5 times as much money just for the speakers alone and I just don't have that kinda scratch available. So other than the Technics receiver and the DVD player, I'm all good.;)

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