Do you have any idea what the RF83's are?
The DefTechs in question aren't in the same league as the Klipsch RF-83's.
Not to mention, the Def Techs will never be able to keep up with the RF-83'3, and they'll clash horribly.
Yeah, they are not in the same league.
First, the BP7000SC is $2,500 per speaker and the RF-83 is $1,250 per speaker.
Second, the BP7000SCs have been compared to speakers costing $25,000 a pair (HT magazine & AVR magazine). I don't know if the RF-83s have been compared in the same manner?
Third, I've listened to both the RF-83s and the BP7000SCs in a A/B comparison, and I think the BP7000SCs sound better in terms of highs, mid-range, and especially the low frequency. In fact, one of the reviewing magazines I've read actually measured the low frequency response of the BP7000SC to be 12 Hz!
Last but not least, since I bought the BP7000SC, it must be better! I mean how can it not be? That's impossible.