You can do it just move slowly and follow my direction.
1. Carefully unload the new TV from your truck or SUV
2. I know you are strong but get a buddy to help you move it into the house. Stop right after you enter the house and place it on the floor
3. Slowly move over to the 13" tube TV and place an arm around each side
4. Bending at the knees, pick it up and walk it over to the garage
5. Carefully put it on the work bench for later use. This will come in handy when your wife won’t let you in the house secondary to your excessive spending on AV gear (more on this later)
6. Now lift the plasma out of the box and assemble it on the stand
7. Hook up everything except the audio system
8. Fall down on your knees and start crying uncontrollably
9. Your Wife will now come to your side and ask what’s wrong
10. Tell her you can’t bear hooking this up to your inadequate HT set up and you don’t know if you want to live
11. Still sobbing and with your head held low; get into the passenger side of the car
12. The entire drive, to the hi-end store, continue crying and say over and over that you don’t deserve a women like her
13. Ok don’t cry once you are in the store…she married a man for God’s sake and she wants you acting like on once you are in public
14. Now don’t get too crazy here but pick out stuff you really want but do it quickly
15. Don’t say a word on the way home and no more crying, don’t even look her in the eyes
16. Very quickly hook everything up; (there is no time here for wire management and don’t be concerned with small scratches or scuffs) just get it done quickly
17. Go out in the garage and hook up the 13” tube and start crying again
18. She will come out and talk you into going back in the house and showing her your new toys
19. Tell her once again you don’t deserve someone like her
20. Prepare to spend most of the next 2 years in the garage as she will figure out your play over the next couple of days but hey…you have a great HT at this point.
Disclaimer: if you are single or Gay; I don’t think this will work…
my only reserve is putting a plasma in place of this old tube
and in front of these windows