Audioholics, weigh in.



Audioholic Spartan
Your not so subtle message was easily received by me Davemcc...worry not. Such a serious explanation kinda sucks all the fun right out of it. The humor was not lost (if one followed the thread). ;)
It's funner now that we've resolved that cavemen will be cavemen and Sheep will be Sheep.


Audioholic Samurai
It's funner now that we've resolved that cavemen will be cavemen and Sheep will be Sheep.
That's good. :)

Is that a typo, or altogether improper form (as in "more fun)? keep it fun. :p


Audioholic Samurai
Good catch Robbie. It seems he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. Well what is it, faster than cars, or slow speed? C'mon, we just want to know. C'mon, which is it? We just want to know. ;)


Audioholic Overlord
I know in my state you need to pay some kind of retarted registration fee when you buy a new bike. Its all just a bunch of BS.

Let people live their own lives and stop trying to protect them from themselves.
Yeah, hasn't anyone seen I'Robot?:D


Audioholic Samurai
Forget the laws and the cops. Regardless of how hot a biker you think you are, you should wear a helmet for your own safety!
Helmets suck plain & simple,especially those stupid lookin egg shaped bicycle helmets:p

Anybody else remember when our government wanted to mandate catalytic converters on motorcycles.


Seriously, I have no life.
You need to check your laws there and follow it. If helmets are required for over 18, then that is the way. But, as was stated, no matter what the law is, helmets are a must. Don't wait after and incident where you needed it, like that politician who was in an accident at 90MPH, no seat belt. Now he is a believer, maybe.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

A very expensive Bell Helmet saved my life in the motorcycle accident that paralyzed me. Sheep, get a helmet, upgrade your bike to some exotic carbon fiber Lance Armstong would be proud of, and ride in the traffic.


Audioholic Warlord
You didn't want to talk politics in your thread, so I self-edited, but politics are intimately connected to the discussion. Your argument, that the law was created and enforced by people that don't ride, can be applied across the board, almost universally, to many of the hottest political issues of the day, including abortion, gay marriage, drugs, prostitution, gambling, smoking, etc. Politics has long ago achieved the few laws that are necessary to live in a civil society and now consists primarily of banning or compelling individual's actions.
There is a difference between what RJ said and what you said. He was doing liberal conservative finger pointing. Not welcome in my thread.



Audioholic Warlord
Good catch Robbie. It seems he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. Well what is it, faster than cars, or slow speed? C'mon, we just want to know. C'mon, which is it? We just want to know. ;)
Actually, that road is isolated from car traffic. It's an alternate route to a local hill in case there is a crash (an over flow lane). It is a quiet residential area, much safer to ride then the busy hill.

This is the route I take. All in all, its about 15-20 minutes there. around 35 back, because of the big hill and my bike lacking a granny gear. The red area is where I was ticketed.

I hope you guys aren't getting work up over this thread, I just wanted to know what you thought about the helmet law. Seems all the responses are condescending..



Audioholic Samurai
Seems all the responses are condescending..

Not condescending Sheep. Experience, common sense, some wisdom and a little humor thrown in. As previously written, I'm really kind of with you on not wearing a helmet...after 27 years of not wearing one (motorcycle or bike), I fully understand and appreciate why one does not want to wear a helmet. It's just really unwise (and that goes for me too), kind of stupid actually.

MDS, Strat, avaserfi,, Davemcc, Gimpy Ric (et al) gave reasons why you ought to wear a helmet...some from rather gruesome personal experience. Those that urge you to refrain from wearing a helmet really don't have your best interest at heart. If you need to be too cool for school...follow their advice. Again, I think we'd all hate to pick up your roadkill with a spatula and a sponge.

I do love the satellite image. We know where to find you. ;)


Audioholic Samurai
There are plenty of places you can ride Sheep without a helmet...
Or another way of looking at it: better to ride a sheep than Rosie O'Donell, at least the sheep is more attractive.
And the sheep has less hair in all those creepy places,and dont forget that the sheep smells better too.


Audioholic General
I am known to ride 100 to 200 miles a week during some parts of the year and if you ride long enough, you can count on two things. You will go down and you will probably break something. Our bike club requires a helmet to ride with the group. A helmet has saved my butt and I would never ride without one. I was not even going fast but I could not get my feet out of the pedals in time and tipped over and landed on my side and the helmet hit the curb. It can happen to the best of us and I encourage you to wear a helmet. I replace mine every two or three years. They do not last forever and do lose their usefulness. I also do not ride alone any more. It seems that drivers do not give a single rider any respect but large groups get the whole lane to themselves.

Now, would I have given you a ticket. Not likely. Just a friendly suggestion. Just take some satisfaction that you have a real job and some don't.


Audioholic Warlord
You don't need to keep telling me helmets are safe. I know that.

My point is this. The law took away my RIGHT to choose weather or not I want to wear a helmet. Doing so only affects me, it doesn't affect anyone else's safety or rights. If I was going to ride a dangerous trail, or terrain that isn't safe, hell yes I will would wear my helmet. However, my commute to work is paved roads and sidewalks.

And Johnd, I wouldn't be so quick to point the "He won't change his mind finger". I might just hold up a mirror.

Good talkin'.



Audioholic Spartan
My point is this. The law took away my RIGHT to choose weather or not I want to wear a helmet. Doing so only affects me, it doesn't affect anyone else's safety or rights. If I was going to ride a dangerous trail, or terrain that isn't safe, hell yes I will would wear my helmet. However, my commute to work is paved roads and sidewalks.
You are on the side that believes that nobody should be able to tell you what to do and that is fine but laws like this are put into place precisely because there are many people who absolutely will not do what is good for them. People have to be forced to wear seatbelts because believe it or not there are still people who will not do so.

You are rationalizing Sheep.

- You say you are an incredibly skilled biker, which I have no reason to doubt.
- YET, you say all of your path is 'Safe'. There is no such thing.
- You don't want to be told what to do because you have an inner belief that under no circumstance will you ever be faced with a situation beyond your control. That is definitely false.
- You WOULD wear a helmet because you do recognize that it is important safety equipment, yet you WON'T because you are being told to do so.

Again, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you don't learn the hard way that fate is often not in your control.


Audioholic Samurai
The law took away my RIGHT to choose weather or not I want to wear a helmet.

And Johnd, I wouldn't be so quick to point the "He won't change his mind finger". I might just hold up a mirror.
First off, ditto to what MDS has written.

Secondly, your are correct that the legislature (parliament) has taken away your no longer have a right to not wear a helmet. Period. If you really want to change this, talk to parliament and/or your elected officials.

Thirdly, I don't know what you're inferring. I certainly know enough to change my mind when confronted with an abundance of evidence/good reasons contrary to my own. I would be a fool to not change my mind under those circumstances.

Sheep: if you always seek out an opinion that matches your own, how do you ever expect to continue learning? Don't be so offended when rational people disagree with you...especially when they have good reason.

Most of us have been around here long enough to remember that Playgirl photo you posted of yourself. ;) It would be a shame to mess up those golden locks for lack of a helmet.

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