Great amp. Still running mine every day.
Before I moved over to HT, I had a NAD 214 that I absolutely loved. Very solid 80wpc and sounded great. I wish I had never sold it.
You can pick them up used for about $200 or so. For $500, you could pick up two of them and use them in bridged mode for a killer budget set up.
Bridging is a great idea if you're gonna use 8 ohm speakers. It was recommended (by a NAD dealer) that I not run four ohm Maggie 1.6's (or any four ohm speaker) with a bridged 214, or any amp for that matter.
Reasoning being that a bridged amp "sees" the speaker load as one half of what the speaker is rated at. i'e, it "sees" an 8 ohm speaker as four ohms and a four ohm speaker as two ohms, and that's pushing any amp.
Now, had they been any eight ohm speaker, it would not be an issue and I would have jumped on a second 214. I looked for a NAD 218 but, at that time, they were not available at a price I could afford so I would up driving the Maggies with a Rotel RB-991, 200 watts a@ 8 ohms, 300 @ 4.
The 214 is currently driving a pair of Sound Dynamics RTS-3's in the library/gueat room.