Concerns for the Future of Sound United and Update on my Marantz 7706.



Audioholic Jedi
First of all, I am glad to report that my Marantz 7706 AVP has operated faultlessly for over a month. This was a replacement for my five year old 7705 which failed dramatically and could not be repaired due to lack of parts, so went for recycling.

However, I have to wonder if that 7705 was a Monday morning machine. I say this as the SNR spec, of the 7705 and 7706 are identical. However, you could always hear background from the 7705 in a quiet room. It did not interfere even with the quietest passages and I assumed that was just the way they were. However the 7706 makes no background that can be heard at any listening position.

All this has made me concerned about the future of Sound United under Masimo, who had no business buying Sound United in the first place. It has been an abject disaster for them. They have Sound United up for sale, with no serious takers so far. This has to be a concern for all of us with Denon/Marantz units in particular, and other brands they own. Speakers hardly ever fail, but receivers and AVPs can and do.

There are now reasonably reliable reports that Sound United is hemorrhaging significant cash, and that Masimo are considering just shutting down Sound United.

This is a problem as many of us own core devices from Denon/Marantz in particular, including myself. Denon/Marantz have the largest range of AVPs, and AVRs currently. They probably are also the most versatile. Both Denon and Marantz gear are recommended frequently on this forum. So if Masimo do shutter Sound United, which they almost certainly will if a credible buyer does not present themselves soon, will present a significant problem to the AV community at large. They likely would try and get what they could from sale of branding rights, but that does us no good, in fact the reverse.

The only vital piece of equipment I own is the Marantz 7706. The other units are a couple of 7701 AVPs in the family room and Great room. I have a very old Marantz CD player and an old Marantz DVD/SACD player.

The bottom line of all this is what we recommend to members looking to purchase an AVR or AVP. Other options really come down to Yamaha, Onkyo and may be Sony. Other sources are either in the exotic range and or of questionable reliability.

My view is that Sound United own so many brands, and Denon and Marantz in particular, that this presents us all with a significant dilemma should Masimo shutter Sound United.

I should explain that declaring Sound United a Discontinued Operation is an accounting maneuver at this time for tax purposes while a buyer is found. However, during the first quarter of this year, which is the end of this month, a buyer must be found, or a plan submitted for the continued operation of Sound United under Masimo. The third option is to shutter it. All this is now up to the tax accountants it seems at the moment.
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Senior Audioholic
There are now reasonably reliable reports that Sound United is hemorrhaging significant cash, and that Masimo are considering just shutting down Sound United.
I will admit I have never heard of Sound United or Masimo, But it would seem that Masimo obtained Sound United at a bargain price , despite advice from
financial banks,etc. In short it was a bad investment from day one. And no-one is going to buy a company that has financial restraints.
I did a bit of research, and came up with the following info,

As for the future of Denon and Marantz they will continue to be sould, probably under the ownership of a new importer. There world is not going to end, due to bad management from Masimo.

The question should really be asked if this is the first company to face closure, Our news service has just announced that car manufacturers in both Mexico and Canada
face large increases in import Duty / Taxes, with the announcement from Trump that cars should really be made in the US. Under this thinking, from a convicted criminal your country will be on it's knee's by the end of the year, if not sooner. With large unemployment being the result


Audioholic Jedi
I will admit I have never heard of Sound United or Masimo, But it would seem that Masimo obtained Sound United at a bargain price , despite advice from
financial banks,etc. In short it was a bad investment from day one. And no-one is going to buy a company that has financial restraints.
I did a bit of research, and came up with the following info,

As for the future of Denon and Marantz they will continue to be sould, probably under the ownership of a new importer. There world is not going to end, due to bad management from Masimo.

The question should really be asked if this is the first company to face closure, Our news service has just announced that car manufacturers in both Mexico and Canada
face large increases in import Duty / Taxes, with the announcement from Trump that cars should really be made in the US. Under this thinking, from a convicted criminal your country will be on it's knee's by the end of the year, if not sooner. With large unemployment being the result
This is a long complicated History. Masimo bought Sound United from the private equity firm DEI. DEI formed Sound United after acquiring multiple brands including Denon/Marantz, B & W, Polk, Definitive Technology and HEOS. Denon Marantz were previously owned by a private equity company controlled by Senator Mitt Romney of all people.

Masimo did not buy Sound United for a bargain price, but paid 1.5 billion dollars for it. It was a vanity project of the Masimo founder and CEO. This resulted in not only removal of the chairman but him getting voted off the board. Masimo are a medical device company specializing in O2 monitoring. They had no business getting involved with consumer electronics. The medical device business has been profitable and the home electronics barely. There are rumors that Sound United is now a big money loser. Declaring Sound United was a ruse to hide what is almost certainly losses from shareholders and the market. However, if the company has not been sold by the end of the month, then they have three options.

1). Declare the losses if there are any, and the suspicion is that there are, and continue to own and run the company.

2). Find a buyer which is what they are hoping for.

3). Close Sound United and draw a line under the financials.

Only option 2 is the palatable option.

So we will have to see how this turns out.

No it won't be the end of the world, but it will be adverse for consumer AV and audio to say the least of it, and will accelerate to race to the bottom of this hobby we all love.

Whichever way you slice this it is not a good situation, and we should all be concerned.


Audioholic Jedi
I will admit I have never heard of Sound United or Masimo, But it would seem that Masimo obtained Sound United at a bargain price , despite advice from
financial banks,etc. In short it was a bad investment from day one. And no-one is going to buy a company that has financial restraints.
I did a bit of research, and came up with the following info,

As for the future of Denon and Marantz they will continue to be sould, probably under the ownership of a new importer. There world is not going to end, due to bad management from Masimo.

The question should really be asked if this is the first company to face closure, Our news service has just announced that car manufacturers in both Mexico and Canada
face large increases in import Duty / Taxes, with the announcement from Trump that cars should really be made in the US. Under this thinking, from a convicted criminal your country will be on it's knee's by the end of the year, if not sooner. With large unemployment being the result
Certainly I would agree the election of that vile Trump bloke has made the shuttering of Sound United more likely especially as they will face Tariffs from overseas manufacture. There is no way they could pivot to US manufacture intime to prevent disaster. To me the outcome looks bleak, but I would be happy to be wrong about this.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Certainly I would agree the election of that vile Trump bloke has made the shuttering of Sound United more likely especially as they will face Tariffs from overseas manufacture. There is no way they could pivot to US manufacture intime to prevent disaster. To me the outcome looks bleak, but I would be happy to be wrong about this.
The tarrifs are going to wreak havoc on all consumer electronics, but audio and home theater, our hobby, is going to be particularly hard hit. My guess is that Trump will start a trade war with the EU soon along with the fight with Canada, Mexico, China, and Taiwan. Think of all the European brands as well as Canadian brands, not to mention all of the manufacturing in China. Right not, I have four different products in for review from Canadian companies. They are all made in China as well. This trade war will be nothing less than disastrous. Too much of this hobby already focuses on the expensive rather than the affordable. What is going to happen will raise a lot more audio products out of reach of middle class buyers. It will also shrink the middle class as well, so the pool of buyers will be smaller.


Senior Audioholic
The tarrifs are going to wreak havoc on all consumer electronics, but audio and home theater,
What your saying is of cause corect, but home audio and electronics' owners are only a very small percentage of the population. Probably more people
buy Fridges, etc then AVR's. The problem is not what people own but what they can pay for, And non payments end up with snatch backs and bankruptcy
People have to budget for rent, food, etc before looking at any form of electronics'. and the fact that companies are closing down at epic numbers, with
the end result being people have even more financial restraints. and unemployment won't put food on the table, or make the monthly payment

As an outsider, and I know very little about your government structure, it appears to me that your very over governed , with countess bureaucrats, running
a multitude of small states. which if combined would have a big effect on your economy. Not wishing to sound a smart a#se, but while Texas is considered
large, we have cattle stations in the north west a lot bigger which are measured by square miles , run by two people and a dog.

I can remember many, many years ago, my old man used to say, "If you can't pay cash you can't have it " followed by this statement, "I,'m not having any drip-feed
in this house" Consequently we didn't have that much, But the repo man stayed away.
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Audioholic Jedi
In general I would be more concerned about small companies, not big companies like Sound United, which is a lot bigger than most audio companies.

If Masimo doesn’t want it anymore, they’ll just sell it to another giant company. Not the first time, won’t be the last.


Audioholic Jedi
In general I would be more concerned about small companies, not big companies like Sound United, which is a lot bigger than most audio companies.

If Masimo doesn’t want it anymore, they’ll just sell it to another giant company. Not the first time, won’t be the last.
Masimo have not wanted it for some time, since the board elections. There have been no buyers rushing to take over Sound United. We will know the answer to this, this month, as Masimo have to decide to continue operating it or shut it. I doubt the board of Masimo want to keep operating it and lose more money.

I suspect that Masimo can not actually afford to keep operating Sound United. Trump's stupid tariffs will be the final nail. I hope I am wrong, but I fear this is coming down against the buffers.


Audioholic Jedi
The tarrifs are going to wreak havoc on all consumer electronics, but audio and home theater, our hobby, is going to be particularly hard hit. My guess is that Trump will start a trade war with the EU soon along with the fight with Canada, Mexico, China, and Taiwan. Think of all the European brands as well as Canadian brands, not to mention all of the manufacturing in China. Right not, I have four different products in for review from Canadian companies. They are all made in China as well. This trade war will be nothing less than disastrous. Too much of this hobby already focuses on the expensive rather than the affordable. What is going to happen will raise a lot more audio products out of reach of middle class buyers. It will also shrink the middle class as well, so the pool of buyers will be smaller.
You are absolutely correct. There will be junk and gear for the millionaire class and the middle will be hollowed out. This is the way these scenarios always develop.

If you want decent speakers you had better learn to DIY. Back in the fifties times were hard in post war Britain. Interestingly audio was booming. However, a lot and I suspect most of it was DIY. I grew up when DIY in high end audio was the rule. In the tube era a great many people built their amps and virtually all their electronics. Even people built their own reel to reel tape recorders, including myself as a kid. My first couple of tape machines were DIY. In this day and age DIY would be tough unless you want to go back to tubes.
For DIY in speakers though, that is very doable and people can DIY better speakers than they could ever afford. Because of my early involvement at a time when people like Gibert Briggs, Raymond Cooke and Jim Rogers for instance were really promoting DIY. KEF in particular were huge proponents with their KEF constructor series of designs.
I was also aware there was a DIY craze in the US, with firms catering to DIY, Heathkit for one, and Dyna kit was another.
DIY speakers could certainly help our hobby be more affordable and within reach of more, and also teach and develop skills.
If things get as tough as I fear they will, manufacturers may become kean once again to raise cash by selling raw drivers.


Audioholic Spartan
You are absolutely correct. There will be junk and gear for the millionaire class and the middle will be hollowed out. This is the way these scenarios always develop.

If you want decent speakers you had better learn to DIY. Back in the fifties times were hard in post war Britain. Interestingly audio was booming. However, a lot and I suspect most of it was DIY. I grew up when DIY in high end audio was the rule. In the tube era a great many people built their amps and virtually all their electronics. Even people built their own reel to reel tape recorders, including myself as a kid. My first couple of tape machines were DIY. In this day and age DIY would be tough unless you want to go back to tubes.
For DIY in speakers though, that is very doable and people can DIY better speakers than they could ever afford. Because of my early involvement at a time when people like Gibert Briggs, Raymond Cooke and Jim Rogers for instance were really promoting DIY. KEF in particular were huge proponents with their KEF constructor series of designs.
I was also aware there was a DIY craze in the US, with firms catering to DIY, Heathkit for one, and Dyna kit was another.
DIY speakers could certainly help our hobby be more affordable and within reach of more, and also teach and develop skills.
If things get as tough as I fear they will, manufacturers may become kean once again to raise cash by selling raw drivers.
I'm old enough to remember that other firms catering DIY in Canada and also I'm sure in the US were Eico and possibly Paco. I built an Eico mono tuner and later on the stereo multiplex adapter for it.

For DIY in speakers in the 1950-60's, there were Altec Lansing, JBL, Electro-voice, Jensen and University drivers and crossovers. Some electronics stores were also selling speaker cabinet kits then.


Audioholic Jedi
We are heading nearer to the end of the month. Trump's ridiculous tarifs are going to make the sale of Sound United by the end of the month even less likely. Sound United is now facing stiff tariffs as they are very dependent on Asian manufacture. I can not see anyone giving the asking price for Sound United. I am not sure it would be a good business deal even if it was gifted at this time.

So more than likely only the branding has value at this time. So that would turn the outfit into cheap junk product producers. B & W might be able to be rehomed to Worthing is Sussex as they still have a presence there.

So, at this time I find it hard to recommend a purchase of electronic items from Sound United. Speakers might be a safer bet as they are less likely to give trouble.

Given the current situation I think the gear the we use and value, is going to go out of reach of most. This will lead to vanity very high priced "boutique" units for the Oligarchs.

So yes, I'm pessimistic about the future of home AV at this time apart from sound bars and tatty systems on a box.

I had a long chat with my dealer Scott this morning. He says Sound United is tight lipped and totally zipped up on the situation. He his very worried that this outfit is history. That would make his business difficult as vender and AV installer. Marantz and B & W are a big part of his business.

So be warned, if you purchase a Sound United product then I would say more likely than not you will end up with no warranty and no possibility of repair.


Audioholic Jedi
We are heading nearer to the end of the month. Trump's ridiculous tarifs are going to make the sale of Sound United by the end of the month even less likely. Sound United is now facing stiff tariffs as they are very dependent on Asian manufacture. I can not see anyone giving the asking price for Sound United. I am not sure it would be a good business deal even if it was gifted at this time.

So more than likely only the branding has value at this time. So that would turn the outfit into cheap junk product producers. B & W might be able to be rehomed to Worthing is Sussex as they still have a presence there.

So, at this time I find it hard to recommend a purchase of electronic items from Sound United. Speakers might be a safer bet as they are less likely to give trouble.

Given the current situation I think the gear the we use and value, is going to go out of reach of most. This will lead to vanity very high priced "boutique" units for the Oligarchs.

So yes, I'm pessimistic about the future of home AV at this time apart from sound bars and tatty systems on a box.

I had a long chat with my dealer Scott this morning. He says Sound United is tight lipped and totally zipped up on the situation. He his very worried that this outfit is history. That would make his business difficult as vender and AV installer. Marantz and B & W are a big part of his business.

So be warned, if you purchase a Sound United product then I would say more likely than not you will end up with no warranty and no possibility of repair.
Most electronics and parts come from Asia (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan). A few from Canada and Europe.

So how is Sound United the only one affected?


Audioholic Jedi
Most electronics and parts come from Asia (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan). A few from Canada and Europe.

So how is Sound United the only one affected?
Sound United is affected as it is under the ownership of Masimo who had no business buying Sound United. Now it is an impossible burden for them, and if a buyer is not found, and none have come forward so far, they will close it down and sell off the brand names.

Yamaha and Sony are huge corporations, although Sony is a smaller player in AV except for TVs. However they are probably safe for now. Onkyo is owned by Sharp corporation and they have had a chequered career and it is anyone's guess how stable that outfit is. Sound United is in a precarious and unique position. By the end of the month Masimo have to decide to run it at a loss, sell it, or close it which they claim as a discontinued company. By the end of the month Federal law requires they shutter it and cease trade, sell it, or resume running it. The latter is the least likely. It is up to anyone to guess what is most likely. I suspect though, that Trump's tariffs will be the final nail in the coffin.


Audioholic Jedi
FWIW Onkyo is operated by a joint venture between Sharp (25%) and Premium Audio Company (75%). PAC is a a Voxx subsidiary. Not particularly encouraging in any case.


Audioholic Jedi
FWIW Onkyo is operated by a joint venture between Sharp (25%) and Premium Audio Company (75%). PAC is a a Voxx subsidiary. Not particularly encouraging in any case.
No it isn't. With Trumps tariffs sales will go right down the drain, and not just here, as the UK is the only place I know of that has not imposed import tariffs. Dappy Dumph says he will raise tariffs further. This is how you start a world wide depression as happened in the prewar crash. I fear only deep pockets will survive this lunatic's antics.


Senior Audioholic
From what I gather Classe Audio is only the first of many companies, to close there doors.
I only heard the other day that the Nissan factory is on the point of closure, due to declining sales


Seriously, I have no life.
Masimo have not wanted it for some time, since the board elections. There have been no buyers rushing to take over Sound United. We will know the answer to this, this month, as Masimo have to decide to continue operating it or shut it. I doubt the board of Masimo want to keep operating it and lose more money.

I suspect that Masimo can not actually afford to keep operating Sound United. Trump's stupid tariffs will be the final nail. I hope I am wrong, but I fear this is coming down against the buffers.
Tariffs against China don't, or shouldn't, affect assemblies, AFAIK- I just checked the images for a few Marantz AVRs and two of the three are made in Vietnam, the Cinema 30 is made in Japan.


Audioholic Samurai
From what I gather Classe Audio is only the first of many companies, to close there doors.
I only heard the other day that the Nissan factory is on the point of closure, due to declining sales
That’s a shame about Nissan, they were the last manufacturer I worked for. Currently the best cars on the road by reliability and fit and finish. If it was for for the used car market the techs would be out of a job. I’d walk into the shop and see 30 cars in the bays being worked on and one 1️⃣ r two were Nissans.

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