

I know the textbook definition. I asked for yours, specifically as it pertains to the subject of voting. I'm sure you know that, but preferred to avoid answering. And "labeling yours as dumb is now automated on my end" says far more about you than it does about me.
Just like you don't like voting if it doesn't go your way. You asked for MY definition, and I gave it to you. It happens to align with the actual definition. You seem to have a preconceived notion that 'works' equates to a result that you desire.


Audioholic Ninja
Sounds like a them problem. Let's try the inverse: Voting isn't broken just because some people stayed home.
Never said it was broken. People talk a big game about politics, but never get out and vote. Their comments, my vote wouldn't matter, I was out of town etc.. excuses.


Audioholic Spartan
Never said it was broken. People talk a big game about politics, but never get out and vote. Their comments, my vote wouldn't matter, I was out of town etc.. excuses.
exactly and as Trumps claims his 'big' victory in Iowa............only 14% of registered Republicans showed up to vote !


Audioholic Spartan
Just like you don't like voting if it doesn't go your way.
So, now you presume to know what I like and don't like.

I like voting enough to go to the polls for every election I'm eligible to vote in. And, I vote for my preferred candidate whether I expect them to win, or not. And, I respect the result of a fair election.

What I wouldn't do, is encourage/enable an insurrection. I wouldn't call up a state official to pressure him into pulling more votes for me out of thin air. That would suggest that I don't think voting works, so I have to try other means to get around losing an election. Such disrespect for voting should make me ineligible to run for office again.

You asked for MY definition, and I gave it to you. It happens to align with the actual definition.
Without context, saying "voting works" is meaningless. Voting didn't work for HRC in 2016, since she received more than Trump. In that case, the electoral college worked.

Voting worked to bring the Nazis into power in Germany. Ask a Berliner digging himself out of the rubble of his city in 1945 if he thought "voting works". He might not offer such a flippant response.

Voting continues to "work" to keep Putin in power in Russia. How does that work for everyone else who isn't an oligarch?

You seem to have a preconceived notion that 'works' equates to a result that you desire.
If nothing else, your inability to divine what I think is at least consistent.

If you had nothing more in mind when you say "voting works", than 'someone gets elected', well I'm pretty sure we all know that. Do you think that voting will work to prevent Trump's re-election? If so, I wouldn't be so sure. His voters may be fewer in number than Biden's, but they are very dedicated voters.

TL;DR - to summarize, stating "voting works", without context, is no more profound or informative than saying 'dogs lick their nuts'.


What I wouldn't do, is encourage/enable an insurrection. I wouldn't call up a state official to pressure him into pulling more votes for me out of thin air. That would suggest that I don't think voting works, so I have to try other means to get around losing an election. Such disrespect for voting should make me ineligible to run for office again.
I agree 100% and even said what he attempted in Georgia was beyond the pale. He's allowed due process. We will see where it lands.


Without context, saying "voting works" is meaningless. Voting didn't work for HRC in 2016, since she received more than Trump. In that case, the electoral college worked.
The electoral college is part of the vote. A straight vote means that the country goes as the big cities go.


Without context, saying "voting works" is meaningless. Voting didn't work for HRC in 2016, since she received more than Trump. In that case, the electoral college worked.
OMG you can't be this dense. We are talking about U.S. elections! That's been the context the entire thread.

What other countries do you think we've been discussing? Now if we could get Trump to run in the Russian presidential race. That's a thought.


Do you think that voting will work to prevent Trump's re-election? If so, I wouldn't be so sure. His voters may be fewer in number than Biden's, but they are very dedicated voters.
Here we go again: If voters elect Trump it's voting is broken, if they elect Biden (your and my preference given the alternative) then it's working.

Which is it?


Audioholic Spartan
OMG you can't be this dense. We are talking about U.S. elections! That's been the context the entire thread.

What other countries do you think we've been discussing? Now if we could get Trump to run in the Russian presidential race. That's a thought.
Maybe I am dense. Or maybe, since "voting works" is such a nebulous statement, I didn't want to make any assumptions.

You're at least now being specific about it being US elections. That's a start, I suppose. Now, once again, what does the statement "voting works" tell us? If you can't/won't expand beyond 'somebody is elected' - and so far, you haven't - your post stating "voting works" was a waste of electrons, because I'm pretty sure the rest of us are aware of that.

Quoting the dictionary definition of "works" is just deflection and/or being deliberately obtuse.


Audioholic Spartan
Here we go again: If voters elect Trump it's voting is broken, if they elect Biden (your and my preference given the alternative) then it's working.

Which is it?
I have never stated or insinuated that Trump being re-elected means "voting is broken". Ever. You must be reading my statements through a kaleidoscope.


Seriously, I have no life.
If the orange freak wins in 2024 I expect him to either: 1) declare a national emergency and assert that the Twenty-Second Amendment doesn't apply and he can therefore stay in office beyond his second term, or 2) try to name one of his sons vice president (my guess is Eric Trump), then resign just before the end of his second term, followed by another round of the 2020 "The election was stolen!" B.S. to keep Eric in after he loses in 2028.

Dropping over would of course be preferred.
Didn't think about a son VP. Boy, what an interesting election year.


Audioholic Warlord
People seem to forget that the numbers of people who voted in the recent Iowa cacuses are low by previous Iowa cacus numbers, and tiny by any November election numbers.

"The 110,000 voters who participated in the 2024 Iowa cacuses accounts for just under 15% of the state's 752,000 registered Republicans."

"In 2016, Republicans set a new record for turnout at the caucuses, with almost 187,000 GOP voters. Though the total made up only about a third of all registered Republicans, turnout at the 2016 caucuses greatly outnumbered the 2012 contest, which had about 122,000 voters. And in 2008, the turnout was similar, with 120,000 voters, making the 2024 Iowa caucuses turnout the lowest in more than a decade."

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