The Batman - Spoiler Free



Audioholic Samurai
Just got home form a screening in IMAX. I felt the performances were well done, I didn't even hate "Team Edward" as Batman. I like the fact the focused more on the detective side of Batman. That being said, I can't really say I enjoyed the movie that much. Critics seem to love it, I am still deciding.

Forgot to add, its almost 3 hours long
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Audioholic Jedi
Could not get tix this weekend, it was actually nearly sold out at most places and I don't sit in the front row. This is likely due to fewer showings per day due to that 2hr 45 min length. Got tix for next weekend. I actually like Pattinson as an actor, a certain vampire series aside. He was good in The Lighthouse with Dafoe. He was even decent in Tenet.


Audioholic Samurai
Gonna see it this weekend as a matinee; looking forward to the fight sequences, as they looked fantastic in the trailers. Not looking forward to the runtime and some of the woke/PC agenda bullshit I'm reading about that's sprinkled throughout the narrative (I already had an issue with the way they cast Jeffrey Wright -- who I liked in some of the Bond films -- as Gordon "just because," which is what I said about the casting of Laurence Fishburne as Perry White in Snyder's DC universe, as well as the casting of the's the same thing I'd say if a filmmaker decided to swap out, for example, Anthony Mackie in the Captain America entries, who plays Sam Wilson/Falcon, for an albino makes no sense and doesn't honor the origins of the source material).

There's even a YouTuber who reviewed this and who pointed out some of these "certain characters in the film are being cast as evil while the others are being seen as virtuous and savior-like" elements, and for that he is experiencing literal online death threats by the cancel mafia -- even though he stated he ENJOYED the film and gave it a solid rating.

I'm also a bit disappointed -- but this is something decided by budgets, foresight into audience preferences, studio mandates, etc. -- that we're now getting yet another timeline/universe for the Wayne/Batman character, after many of us really enjoyed the SnyderVerse variant with Affleck in the role; of course, this universe was altered and kind of reimaged, I suppose, with Todd Phillips' Joker, but then we saw Jared Leto's version of the character during the pre-credits sequence in Zack Snyder's Justice League, so it's all so confusing (even though I realize the Snyder/Leto angle was created long before this "new" Batman universe was crafted)....

At any rate, I truly loved Batfleck in the role -- it was the caped crusader so many of us WANTED to see...angry, weathered, bitter and hyper-powerful, even though he was a bit older, showing ZERO mercy to the criminals and thugs he hunted down in his city. Now, we're back to a "year two" or so timeline, and we've thrown out everything Snyder (and even Nolan) brought before it -- JK Simmons as Gordon (who I didn't care for in the role, either, but who was never given enough time to expand on the character; he WAS awesome as Peter's Daily Bugle editor in the original Spider-Man trilogy), Jeremy Irons as Alfred, et al.

I dig the idea of exploring a younger, less seasoned Wayne and the concept of a detective-esque Batman early in the career, but this "reboot" just kind of seems out of place with all the Batman content we've received over the past decade or so. This by no means is going to mentally stop me from taking in the film when I go see it, I'm just expressing my frustration at having to experience yet another timeline/universe telling.
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its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I think you’re looking for issues where there aren’t any.


Audioholic Samurai
I think you’re looking for issues where there aren’t any.
Of course....I knew someone would chime in, almost immediately, when I posted that....

I'm just expressing my feelings and thoughts before I go into seeing it -- I'm not looking for issues. I thought this was a place to share our passions for cinema, hi fi and other related media; I suppose I'm not permitted to. Got it.

And I also suppose I'm not permitted, under any circumstances, to compare this to previous Batman entries or to share my feelings about this rendition of the primary character versus how I felt about Affleck in the role; that's an "issue" too, I guess. By stating these things, I'm not shitting on the new film -- I'm merely stating that I liked Affleck in the role and gave examples why, and that it's a bit frustrating that we have this new timeline in the DC universe now. That's it. It doesn't mean I won't enjoy Reeves' film.

Some of these elements I brought up have been discussed by reviewers already, so I thought they were worth considering; as I clearly stated, one YouTuber in particular has had his life threatened online for having a particular viewpoint regarding the way certain characters are portrayed compared to others (evil versus good, savior versus demonic, etc.).

I won't know if I agree until I actually see it, which I will this weekend.


Audioholic General
Of course....I knew someone would chime in, almost immediately, when I posted that....

I'm just expressing my feelings and thoughts before I go into seeing it -- I'm not looking for issues. I thought this was a place to share our passions for cinema, hi fi and other related media; I suppose I'm not permitted to. Got it.

And I also suppose I'm not permitted, under any circumstances, to compare this to previous Batman entries or to share my feelings about this rendition of the primary character versus how I felt about Affleck in the role; that's an "issue" too, I guess. By stating these things, I'm not shitting on the new film -- I'm merely stating that I liked Affleck in the role and gave examples why, and that it's a bit frustrating that we have this new timeline in the DC universe now. That's it. It doesn't mean I won't enjoy Reeves' film.

Some of these elements I brought up have been discussed by reviewers already, so I thought they were worth considering; as I clearly stated, one YouTuber in particular has had his life threatened online for having a particular viewpoint regarding the way certain characters are portrayed compared to others (evil versus good, savior versus demonic, etc.).

I won't know if I agree until I actually see it, which I will this weekend.
Keep us posted. I have not seen a Batman movie since Christian Bale played the role but the idea of combining a Batman movie with Se7en(another fav of mine) is awesome. Zoe in tights another reason. Which reminds me I miss Yvonne Craig. RIP.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Of course....I knew someone would chime in, almost immediately, when I posted that....

I'm just expressing my feelings and thoughts before I go into seeing it -- I'm not looking for issues. I thought this was a place to share our passions for cinema, hi fi and other related media; I suppose I'm not permitted to. Got it.

And I also suppose I'm not permitted, under any circumstances, to compare this to previous Batman entries or to share my feelings about this rendition of the primary character versus how I felt about Affleck in the role; that's an "issue" too, I guess. By stating these things, I'm not shitting on the new film -- I'm merely stating that I liked Affleck in the role and gave examples why, and that it's a bit frustrating that we have this new timeline in the DC universe now. That's it. It doesn't mean I won't enjoy Reeves' film.

Some of these elements I brought up have been discussed by reviewers already, so I thought they were worth considering; as I clearly stated, one YouTuber in particular has had his life threatened online for having a particular viewpoint regarding the way certain characters are portrayed compared to others (evil versus good, savior versus demonic, etc.).

I won't know if I agree until I actually see it, which I will this weekend.


Audioholic Jedi
I liked it. Gritty, a bit more down to earth and somewhat more grounded in reality. I personally liked the batmobile, which was more mad max than batman, as was the big chase scene. The investigation aspect was a nice touch and I liked that he was more of a recluse than a playboy. The way they laid out the story was pretty interesting, the way it all came together.

Where it went wrong was the pacing and the length. It was about 1/2hr too long. Even though I liked it, I started to feel like it was being drawn out too much. Not that it should have been two films, but maybe cut some things down here and there. For as long as the film is, Catwoman was underused. Pattinson's performance was good.

I generally like Aflec and I literally hated him as batman. And Daredevil.


Audioholic Samurai
I liked it. Gritty, a bit more down to earth and somewhat more grounded in reality. I personally liked the batmobile, which was more mad max than batman, as was the big chase scene. The investigation aspect was a nice touch and I liked that he was more of a recluse than a playboy. The way they laid out the story was pretty interesting, the way it all came together.

Where it went wrong was the pacing and the length. It was about 1/2hr too long. Even though I liked it, I started to feel like it was being drawn out too much. Not that it should have been two films, but maybe cut some things down here and there. For as long as the film is, Catwoman was underused. Pattinson's performance was good.
The element you're referring to above is precisely what I think didn't work with the Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, as good as most of those were -- they were too grounded in reality, to the point we didn't feel like we were even watching a comic book adaptation any longer. Bale, as good as he was outside of the suit as a swaggering billionaire (Wayne), just didn't look or act right in the suit, and a lot of his movements were just downright clunky (watch when he fights Liam Neeson's character in Batman Begins or when he attempts to stop Scarecrow's van with the "can opener" in Dark Knight). The way Nolan shot those films made the screen time with the caped crusader kind of out of place and odd looking IMO -- again, an example of a narrative TOO grounded in reality. At a certain point, we need SOMETHING to assist our suspension of disbelief....some sort of cartoonish element because, after all, these are comic films.

That being said, I didn't get a chance to see the new one this weekend, but it does appear to be grounded in reality, as you stated -- though hopefully it's a bit better than the way Nolan went about it (with this particular aspect).

I generally like Aflec and I literally hated him as batman. And Daredevil.
I feel the complete opposite, and it shows just how polarizing his performances are -- I LOVED Daredevil and Affleck in the brooding role, and loved him for the same reason in Snyder's DC universe films. Almost every Bat fan I have spoken with agrees that Affleck's rendition of the character (not really as Wayne, but as Batman) was EXACTLY what many fans were waiting to see: an angry, bitter, older, weathered caped crusader with hyper-aggressive strength and absolutely NO mercy for the thugs and criminals he was fighting in his city.


Audioholic Jedi
The element you're referring to above is precisely what I think didn't work with the Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, as good as most of those were -- they were too grounded in reality, to the point we didn't feel like we were even watching a comic book adaptation any longer. Bale, as good as he was outside of the suit as a swaggering billionaire (Wayne), just didn't look or act right in the suit, and a lot of his movements were just downright clunky (watch when he fights Liam Neeson's character in Batman Begins or when he attempts to stop Scarecrow's van with the "can opener" in Dark Knight). The way Nolan shot those films made the screen time with the caped crusader kind of out of place and odd looking IMO -- again, an example of a narrative TOO grounded in reality. At a certain point, we need SOMETHING to assist our suspension of disbelief....some sort of cartoonish element because, after all, these are comic films.

That being said, I didn't get a chance to see the new one this weekend, but it does appear to be grounded in reality, as you stated -- though hopefully it's a bit better than the way Nolan went about it (with this particular aspect).
This one felt more along the lines of John Wick, so it is still not so cartoonish. I think the stunt coordinator did a good job, it felt natural during the fight sequences. There are some gizmos, but not over the top, no batwing in front of the full moon lol (I liked that actually), but there is no intentional levity like the Burton films or the original series. I liked Pattinson better than Affleck, though it isn't exactly a master performance either. I get what you are saying, but not all of the films are going to be goofy like the series.

As much as enjoy Val Kilmer, I wasn't crazy about his Batman either. I just watched "Val" last night and he said he hated that role.

I feel the complete opposite, and it shows just how polarizing his performances are -- I LOVED Daredevil and Affleck in the brooding role, and loved him for the same reason in Snyder's DC universe films. Almost every Bat fan I have spoken with agrees that Affleck's rendition of the character (not really as Wayne, but as Batman) was EXACTLY what many fans were waiting to see: an angry, bitter, older, weathered caped crusader with hyper-aggressive strength and absolutely NO mercy for the thugs and criminals he was fighting in his city.
We'll have to disagree there. I was a fan of the Daredevil comics and I did not get the Murdock from the comics in Affleck's performance. He is good in certain roles and a super heros doesn't seem to be it for me, sort of like how Ryan Reynolds is the same guy in every movie he's in.

You might like this one then, because that unhinged side of the Dark Knight is definitely present in this one, like he's trying to hold it together and keep from killing the thugs. This film did some things right and missed on others, and those things they missed on kind of detract from this one a bit.
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Audioholic Samurai
This one felt more along the lines of John Wick, so it is still not so cartoonish. I think the stunt coordinator did a good job, it felt natural during the fight sequences. There are some gizmos, but not over the top, no batwing in front of the full moon lol (I liked that actually), but there is no intentional levity like the Burton films or the original series. I liked Pattinson better than Affleck, though it isn't exactly a master performance either.
I wasn't expecting a master performance from Pattinson to be honest; after all, this is supposed to be set around "year two" of his existence, so I anticipated some hiccups with the narrative/delivery. I am looking forward to watching the fight sequences as they looked cool in the trailers.

We'll have to disagree there. I was a fan of the Daredevil comics and I did not get the Murdock from the comics in Affleck's performance. He is good in certain roles and a super heros doesn't seem to be it for me, sort of like how Ryan Reynolds is the same guy in every movie he's in. You might like this one then, because that unhinged side of the Dark Knight is definitely present in this one, like he's trying to hold it together and keep from killing the thugs. This film did some things right and missed on others.
Well, I'll give you this -- Johnson missed A LOT of the Daredevil origin story when he released the feature film for 20th Century Fox. Why wasn't the "Stick" character ever explored? Why didn't we get to see Matt's training? I could go on and on. It was far from a perfect film, don't get me wrong...and you'd think the Director's Cut would have smoothed all this over and made it a better experience. Alas, in my opinion, it was worse than the already watered-down theatrical cut, especially with the absolute nonsense involving Coolio's character. Both films felt way too rushed and underdeveloped.

Still, I am one of the few people on the planet who actually liked the film and Batfleck's performance in it.

At any rate, thanks for the input about the new one; looking forward to some aspects of it, based on what you've reported.


Audioholic Jedi
There is no after credits scene, but there is a little tidbit. The final scene is interesting too. I am thinking that scene might have been intended as an after credits scene, but with the length, they just put it at the end instead.


Audioholic Samurai
There is no after credits scene, but there is a little tidbit. The final scene is interesting too. I am thinking that scene might have been intended as an after credits scene, but with the length, they just put it at the end instead.
Good to know; thanks.
Pedro Alvarado

Pedro Alvarado

Full Audioholic
in not a comic book guy.

I watched this just because well Batman.

as a movie it sucked.

scenes are way longer than necessary.

the narration was cool. they should have kept it going for the uninformed like me.

imho there was only one actor, the kid who played the riddler. man, he stole the show for me. his first scene was like, now this is an actor.

I will watch his movie. at least I know he can act and hopefully carry the movie.

I agree with the mad max reference regarding the car, i didn't like it but maybe that's how the comic goes? cool eye cam tech but drives in an exposed hot rod motor?

Catwoman, she just showed up? is that how they meet in the comic? didn't like her either.

did they try to include too much into one movie? well, it was almost 3 phucking hours long! with that much time, no but they didn't capitalize on it efficiently.

I finished it in about 4 hours and 4 beers. the first 47 minutes felt like over an hour.

and when does Robin show up?

I'm not shittting on your beloved Batman. I just didn't like this movie.

again, I'm not a comic book guy. maybe all the questions I have are known by a Batman fan.


Audioholic Jedi
in not a comic book guy.

I watched this just because well Batman.

as a movie it sucked.

scenes are way longer than necessary.

the narration was cool. they should have kept it going for the uninformed like me.

imho there was only one actor, the kid who played the riddler. man, he stole the show for me. his first scene was like, now this is an actor.

I will watch his movie. at least I know he can act and hopefully carry the movie.

I agree with the mad max reference regarding the car, i didn't like it but maybe that's how the comic goes? cool eye cam tech but drives in an exposed hot rod motor?

Catwoman, she just showed up? is that how they meet in the comic? didn't like her either.

did they try to include too much into one movie? well, it was almost 3 phucking hours long! with that much time, no but they didn't capitalize on it efficiently.

I finished it in about 4 hours and 4 beers. the first 47 minutes felt like over an hour.

and when does Robin show up?

I'm not shittting on your beloved Batman. I just didn't like this movie.

again, I'm not a comic book guy. maybe all the questions I have are known by a Batman fan.
Wow. I haven’t read all the reviews. But I didn’t think anyone would HATE this movie. :D

But thanks to you, I have now LOWERED my expectations. :D

I will definitely watch this movie April 18th on HBO Max as pointed out by @j_garcia.

Who knows? I may hate it too. Or I may love it. Whatever happens, I will call it how I see it. :D

Other than feeling the scenes were longer than necessary and some poor acting, were there “face-palm” scenes where you said to yourself, “WTF! That is utter BS. Why would anyone do that?“ :D


Audioholic Jedi
Since it is not exactly based on comics, they don't go into the whole backstory of the main characters, otherwise it would have been longer. They just hint at the past with details that ultimately factor into the story. I like the twist they put on it. I thought the Riddler was the worst character in the film, and I like that kid as an actor actually (There Will Be Blood). Catwoman was more of a plot device than an actual part of the show, IMO. I would have liked to see more of her. Overall, I still liked it.

Spoiler alert, Robin is dead, technically. Note that there was no Robin really in Chris Nolan's films either, though they did sort of subtly set someone up for it. IMO, if they do use something like him, it will be Nightwing, not Robin. I would have expected a reference to him if that was the plan, but nothing obvious was there.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
I went into it almost blind. Only knowing that Pattinson was BM. I think he’s a brilliant actor but was surprised at the choice of him. I actually enjoyed him in it. The one that blew me away was Collin Farrell as the penguin. I didn’t know it was him until I went to IMDB. He was the big surprise for me. I generally like the whole cast.
Overall really enjoyed it. Seemed a touch grittier than most Batman’s. I did like affleck though.


Audioholic Jedi
My take on "The Batman".

I love it. I enjoy it a lot. I think it is very exciting so I don't feel like it was a "long 3hr movie".

I think Matt Reeves did a great job with the 3 Planet of the Apes movies and he did a great job with "The Batman".

I like the chemistry between Bruce - Selina, might be the best I've seen. There isn't much character development between them - maybe a 4 hour director's cut might show more. :D

I think my only gripe is with Alfred. I don't see a good "chemistry" between Bruce and Alfred in this movie.

I think Michael Caine - Christian Bale had great chemistry in the Dark Knight trilogy. I think Ben Affleck - Jeremy Irons had better chemistry than in this movie. I mean come on, how can they cast Gollum from Lord of the Rings as Alfred? :D :D

Tech Spec:
Video - The Batman was shot using 4.5K resolution Arri Alexa digital cameras, so the picture quality is very good. I was able to see all the dark scenes just fine, so no complaints from me.

Audio- Atmos was fantastic. I am putting this in my Atmos Reference List. I had to increase the volume by 6dB, but other than that, Atmos was wonderful and very active.

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