Wouldn't try dual connections to sub. Would try a couple of things. Front Large on Yamaha and pre outs to Hegel. Speaker wires from Hegel to sub High Level inputs and then out to speakers. Bluesound optical to Hegel. No connection to LFE. Second, and the one I’d try first, Bluesound optical to Hegel, Bluesound Sub Out to Yamaha Multi Channel Sub In. Then, Hegel Pre Out to Yamaha Multi Channel In Left and Right. Yamaha LFE to Subwoofer.
So, with option two, you would turn the Yamaha to the MULTI CH source for playback of music streamed from the Bluesound. The Bluesound will bitstream digital audio to the Hegel while at the same time sending a signal from the SubW Out to the Yamaha MULTI CH IN. I believe the SUBW OUT on the Bluesound is always active.
This second setup should give you just about everything you wanted. It will give you the Hegel’s DAC and Yamahas power for movies and music with a single connection from the Yamaha to the subwoofer. You will have some volume leveling to do. Try it out. If it sucks, forget I ever mentioned it. But, whatever you do, do not make multiple connections to that sub.