Do most of those who advise that AMPs don't improve SQ or add value other than taking the heat off the AVR use AMPs? If so, why? Cause you already bought them and might as well? Or did you buy them with great expectations and say sh*t, doesn't sound any better.
A 200WPC AMP that doubles the power of an AVR is just worth 3 incremental DB right? Does that mean that at all volume levels your will be roughly 3DB hotter than you would be with that AVR until you reach it's limits? So if you set the gain on your AVR +3DB at a given volume level you would have roughly the same SPL as with the 200WPC AMP? Probably not that simply but wondering if that's how it works.
For myself, I bought Amps for Headroom to deliver on Dynamic Peaks. I also wanted my primary 5 channels used in 5.1 audio to be powered in the most uniform manner.
For me, it was that simple.
I had no expectation of changes in SQ. I do not have speakers that are particularly hard to drive. They are not the most sensitive speakers, and thus require a bit more juice to clear reference level dynamic peaks.
It is important to note that I do not push them that hard on anything near a regular basis. On occasion, I may, and it is for the enjoyment of those moments that I invested in my Amps.
Now you asked a separate question about bumping AVR trim:
Until you push the trim into positive numbers, you are relatively safe. The negative trim is attenuating available ‘power.’ When you switch over to positive trim, you are creating a demand for something that, as I understand it, is not there. This demand must be fulfilled by DSP, and is the fastest route to distortion. You are requiring the signal to be boosted beyond what the Amp Stage of an AVR is designed for.
Forgive: I am not an expert on this and am sharing simply what I understand. As I have done in the past:
corrections are welcome! Please.
Basically, appropriate amplification will be done outside of the digital domain and within the parameters of matching the output voltage to the input sensitivity for achieving full power from an external Amp. When applied properly, the signal from preout to amp is not altered in any way where colorations or distortions are added.
I hope this makes sense. And as I said before, I welcome any correction to help me learn in the event I am wrong on any point.