Bi-wiring and Bi-amping don't really affect the sound. Bi-wiring, if anything, decreases the impedance of the cabling by adding "extra pipe" for the current to pass through. You can do the same for your speakers with a good quality 12AWG speaker cable. nothing fancy needed.
Bi-amping sounds much more exciting, but when you bi-amp passively... you aren't really doing anything different. then sending the wattage required to drive the speaker... twice over... but that wattage doesn't stack... each part of the XO still sees the same amount if you were to just traditionally wire the speaker. You are using twice as much energy for the same task.
To the best of my knowledge, there have been no studies that show any measurable benefit to either technique. People, of course, will claim great things... but the science doesn't back it up. Or at least, has yet to.
Again, if you decide to experiment... there is much written about the topics, you should be able to figure it out. If you do it correctly, no harm will come to your system.
That photo... is a bad example.