Well I don't have the time or interest to make an entire fucking hobby out of this. I'm just looking to upgrade the speakers in the welding shop I work in. So my fellow basic welders and I can listen to some music.
So, really, regardless of your opinion of my approach, like I said, I'm not looking to turn this into a hobby or become a self-educated sound engineer.
Do you think it's possible that maybe you don't know how much you don't know about what you're asking? Is it likewise possible that removing drivers and crossover tuned for a specific box and replacing with off-the-shelf components with no regard to driver behavior, enclosure volume, vent tuning, baffle width, the different sensitivity levels of your drivers, or any of the other considerations the OEM designers probably employed, is actually a downgrade rather than an upgrade?
All this absolutely matters, regardless of your time and interest. If you are unwilling to learn, then don't ask for DIY advice. Just buy new completed speakers and be done. There's no shame in that.
OK, all that aside, it seems like you're asking whether you're about to fry your new components in spectacular fashion. The answer is, it depends on how loudly you listen, what type of music, and whether your crossover will successfully filter the frequencies that are out of your tweeters' range. Just trust us that you're most likely not going to be drawing the full rated power of your amp. And the wattage you draw depends not only on your source volume and amp gain, but also on the impedance of the drivers, which varies significantly along the drivers' ranges. Short answer: assuming you cross over your tweeters high enough, you're probably not going to fry anything, but there are no guarantees.
Enjoy your project.
P.S. That you haven't received the answer you are looking for is not from any sort of audiophile snobbery, but just from experience. You wouldn't ask on a mechanics forum whether the carburetor you bought from the junk yard from a random make and model car will work in your 66 Mustang, then say you don't have the time or interest to learn about auto repair, would you? Be nice.