Couple questions about Yamaha RX-A3060

Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic

I was pretty sure it could do it, but I dont have one, so...

I've always been an Xbox fanboy.
Xbox isnt bad either.. can you tell if its able to play truehd and dtsma at 7.1 ? Maybe I'll get one


Audioholic Slumlord
The newer formats are over my head and I only have 5.2. Somebody with more knowledge should answer this question. Sorry dude.


Audioholic Slumlord
I was gonna post in it, but it was locked and I didn't want to bump a 3 year old thread. :p
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
Oh, that's okay. I was just surprised to see I still have all the moderator tools there still. I haven't been active there for a couple years.
Good for you.. maybe you wanna bump another thread :)
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
Nah, I'm done there I think. Being a moderator can suck all the fun out of forums. ;)
You don't have to tell me.. i have only 3 kids and I can't moderate them.. especially the one in the middle.. she plays me like a knob
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
Hey guys.. the last time I did the crossover I didn't run ypao till today.. and I noticed after the first time the levels were changed substantially and the bass was quite low.. I ran ypao again and nothing much changed. Luckily it saved the old pattern i was using and it feels to me much better.. what do you think happened?
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
Crap!!! I accidentally override my old pattern.. it's all gone
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
Never mind you guys I managed to fix it.. there was a small note telling to rise the crossover knob to it limit.. guess they meant low pass
Hasan Alnajdi

Hasan Alnajdi

Full Audioholic
I gotta say its even better now!!!
I even played the matrix with my wife.. I think she's starting to like it


Audioholic Jedi
Generally a program like YPAO (or Audyssey in Denon/Marantz units) will reset everything when you run it. Some have the ability to save a calibration, some don't....can't say I've read about saving YPAO but my avr can save an Audyssey calibration (with a computer) but it's not the quickest process to save nor to put back into play.

Many of these programs will set speakers to large regularly even when you tell it you want to use a sub, as I am fond of saying that's because the marketing guys don't want to tell you your stuff is "small". General rule of thumb is not to lower a crossover below what the program suggests (and sets for eq), but raising the crossover is fine.

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