Holy balls! I'm laughing so hard at this right now. That's gonna be a comic reference thread for a long time.
Pogre, I appreciate that, and just to be clear, I'm not here to change your mind in the least. I believe for you, your choice was the right one. I always try to use "IMO" to stress that it's only that, my opinion. Unless of course I'm referencing empirical data. I'd be very curious to give your system a listen. The other thing is, my brain(like most I think) defaults to our experiences in our own rooms. I sit 14' away in a sunken room that's 16'w X 23' long, adjacent to my kitchen of the same dims with a 12' vaulted ceiling in the middle. Plus the foyer on the other side of the kitchen. It's all on concrete. Like I said to halon, bookshelf speakers, might be fine since his room is small, but he mentioned towers as part of his wish list, so...

Also like you said, value comes into play, and I'm not above agreeing with that in the least. IMO, and at the very least my space, what I would do is not max my budget on the best bookshelf speakers I could buy, I would squirrel away for longer to get the towers I wanted. Now that I'm spending halons money, I'm goin big!!!