I run the home audio department at my store, so I'm there a lot...
I am in no way racist or the kind of person who would generalize or stereotype, but I swear, this one particular ethnicity of people who come into my store are really starting to push my buttons...
Don't get me wrong, they are usually very kind and courteous, and they almost always get the extra warranty on their products, but there is this one thing they
always do when they come in...
They will walk into my department, walk up to each and every display and turn it all the way up... Not only will they do that, but a lot of times they will leave and they won't turn off what they have just cranked up... It especially bugs me when the do the Bose demos because for one, I know they will never buy it, two because they turn it up all the way, and three because I'm sick and tired of hearing the stupid Bose demo "Unlike any other"
... The other thing they do is push buttons on the displays...
I don't care if they do it on the cheaper systems outside, but they go into my sound room, where is says "Please Ask For Assistance" and they start messing with the settings, causing me to go in there and kick them out...
Like I said, I'm not one to stereotype, but this is really something else. If you come in and just watch (especially on a Sunday), you will see them do it,
every time!
Yeh, this was pointless, but I had to rant about it...
Thanks for listening.