Mr Boat:
I will attach my picture of my listening space because I think it qualifies as a near field listening space.
My media chair, when fully extended and I have assumed the position, places my size 11's between the speakers. That to me, is near field listening. You could do it with your Tempests because you built them and you love them. But, if you were going to choose something new for a near field set up, you might choose something more timid.
What you have is awesome. How you enjoy it is also commendable and worth emulating. You also have some great music pumping out those Tempests. Mr Boat, you have a great setup and are wise enough to enjoy it amidst the chaos of life. It may or may not be near field listening as a technical definition. We are a dying breed.
I have great sounding audio throughout the bulk of the main part of my house by default of the Tempests design, even though that was not my top priority. What I was after was, a totally immersive sweet spot. This function has never inconvenienced me in the past.
It was the more timid/efficient speaker trend over the last couple decades or so, that sent me revisiting larger woofers again. When I planted those giant JBL towers in place of the bookshelfs, I knew I had found audio mecca once again. I've since listened to other bookshelf speakers, including a pair that look exactly like those you post (nice space, btw) in the photo. Also tried a matching pair of tower speakers in the same spot with multiple 6" woofers. They sounded clear enough, but was missing was this 'presence', a 'breath' of immersive, audio presence, that is not dependent on reflection, room gains, or lack thereof.
Nowadays, this 'presence' I speak of, comes by way of comparatively large subwoofers that typically have to be ideally placed. Either way, there is still a large air pump in the mix. I wanted the large air pump on the mids higher off of the floor for the bass guitars, the kick drums and even the lower frequencies of rythm guitar, which often times, ends up being the magically immersive presence with a lot of music that I like.
Is this setup technically correct? Likely not. I have just conveniently categorized it as a different type of personal audiophilia. I get this incredible listening experience without having to fuss with anything or without having to employ an electronic based automatic EQ that doesn't know me from the man in the moon.
The guy who gave me the Denon AVR, and let me audition his speakers here, when I go to his house, his listening room is double the size of mine. Nice furniture, giant movie screen, surround sound, and yet there is something sterile about it that I cannot quite put my finger on and it is not very personal, almost to the point of being uncomfortable, musically. He's also being subdued by the WAF. His speakers are arranged symmetrically perfect, and the first thing I am prompted to do is just go over and mess them up a little. If I did, I am sure it would give he and his wife an OCD based, anxiety attack. He doesn't listen to music much anymore, and he was a big player when we all used to get together to do this back in the day. I suspect his setup is why. I wouldn't want to either in that hospital of a room.
Now when he comes over here, he's right in the middle of my audio mess. He's telling me to play this song or that one and to turn it up. Pausing between tracks to discuss what he just heard. When he goes to leave and it's quiet again, he tells me he felt like he smoked something good and is now coming down from it just by walking outside. He's coming over again tonight and bringing some beers and some cd's. Now he's talking about borrowing my JBLs since I am not using them, so he can set up a room just for this type of listening. The only problem with them being, they weigh about 75lbs each, and if he's thinking of stowing them out of his wife's view until then, it's going to involve a workout each time. I'd do it, but I'm more stubborn than he is and a lot less "whipped."
In spite of the data, I still believe this style of listening solves a lot of issues for actual, ear-based, audiophiles. That instead of being dependent on trends and speakers that may not end up being ideal for each space, the inclusive room corrections and auto EQ'ng, that this option exists. . . .provided the speakers are clear and powerful enough. That one can unseat their mains from their visually acceptable perches, twist them however one can, and get their audio fix, point blank like, room, furniture, WAF be damned.
I'm glad I went bigger on the woofers and was talked into this speaker type. That somebody here could read between my poor explanations. On the same token, I would likely not prescribe this for anyone else.
I'd put a recliner in here but I know me. I would end up falling asleep there with the stereo on 24/7. As it is, I have to pry myself away from it and 'make' myself go to my real bed.