The only positive side--I have used the complete incompetence of a cable company as leverage to work down the $ of my bill. The most recent time, I got something like $35 credit each month for like 6 months.
Here is another strategy that I have done that has worked--When I called and didn't get the desired response, my GF called them back, explained the situation, and told them that what I was able to negotiate was still completely unacceptable to her. That ended up working out well when we tag-teamed them.
Needless to say--we feel your pain!
Absolutely use their screw ups against them! I do it with every provider and I'm about to have another go-round with ATT over my cell phone. I called to see if there was any way to reduce the price because I NEVER come close to exceeding the Data limit, so I called and the nice lady told me that I should be on another plan and then, in a surprise move, told me I could save more by combining my Internet and cell phone bills but the irony is in the fact that I had been trying to get that done for over two years, with no success. Supposed to be a couple of clicked boxes on their website, but it never worked. Got the next bill and, SURPRISE! It's higher. I'm not on a higher data limit plan and nobody knows how it happened or how to change it. My combined bill was supposed to be $99 + taxes and fees + the $18/month for the iPhone 6. It now comes to about $154/month. What the what?
I'm finishing a home theater and they waited to call the cable company (I don't know what to call it- Time Warner in this area was bought by Charter, but they use Time Warner trucks, TW commercials, uniforms and they answer the phone with "We're Time Warner- Bless your heart!".LOL
I think I already detailed the debacle, but.....The installer got there last Friday and left without waiting for the permission to go on a neighbor's yard, the guy who was there on Saturday did nothing and I wasted a bunch of time on Monday. I went back today and the builder told me he was there with the cable installer until after 7PM last evening and the guy had almost no tools, ability or supplies- took almost 4 hours for a one hour job. Internet was up but when I tried to set up the dinky little cable box, it didn't work. Tech support told me they'd call back in ten minutes- it has been over four hours and I'm still waiting.
Any time a negotiation is needed, call and ask for Customer Retention- they're the ones who can actually do things.