WHEN DID EVERYTHING GET SO EXPENSIVE?!?!?!?!? kids are expensive ...



Audioholic Jedi
From 1774 through 2009 the U.S. dollar has lost about 96.4% of its buying power. :eek:
Yeah, but compare it to wages (here's one example). :)

People get all worked up that stuff costs more, but they forget that we're all paid more. Sure, that's not always true on a year-to-year basis ("hey, I didn't get a raise"), but over time, it's true.

Consider how hard the average person had to work 240 years ago and what they could buy compared to now. On average, we're living the good life.


Audioholic Ninja
You guys are absolutely correct, and my wife knows me very well, she obviously knew by today I would be "over it" , I'll admit some of you guys helped with that..

A few points I didn't think of before this thread..
1-cost of buying clothes where we buy them, the stores were full, other people spending much more than we did...
2-clothes are very important to high schoolers, I get that, shoes and clothes are more than just a utility to get through the day to them, obviously it has something to do with their social acceptance, it shouldn't but I don't make the rules...
3-I don't want to ever take them shopping again, thinking about it if my wife said she didn't want to take them, I would rather pay someone to do it than do it myself ever again, it was bad...
4- I am super bored, I love being home with the family but I am bored now, I still deal with work stuff over the phone and computer, but I am used to dealing with a million things, I really am impressed with how well everything runs with out me, and they are doing amazing, I would say maybe better than when I am there, maybe my wife and office manager are correct when they say I am a distraction...
5-I expected to spend $1500 TOPS, but I am cheap, so it cost another $1000, they got what they wanted, its over, and there are more important things to think about, like what kind of cream chz I am going to put on my bagel? We have whipped chive or garden veggie {not whipped}... I may mix the two and see what happens...

So I think I over reacted, its not a super big deal, the kids are happy, I am in the position to make them happy, and its over and I don't have to think about it for another year... I do think me and my wife are going to sit down and make a plan of how we are going to make sure the kids continue to grow up with a respect for what things cost. I don't want them to get on their own and think money is like a faucet on city water that never stops... A few bad decisions, another housing market crash in the next 5 years, and I will be cashing in 401K's and life insurance policies, lol... I still have a handful of years to continue before my realestate is all 100% paid off and I can start to make decisions on the next step, if realestate drops 25% and the stock market flips downward enough times I could loose a couple lifetimes of middle class income in a few years!!!

PS when I started this thread I thought I was talking about inflation and how the dollar is not buying us what we need for what it should cost, instead I got a lesson of how uptight, closed minded, and cheap I am, lol..


Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, but compare it to wages (here's one example). :)

People get all worked up that stuff costs more, but they forget that we're all paid more. Sure, that's not always true on a year-to-year basis ("hey, I didn't get a raise"), but over time, it's true.

Consider how hard the average person had to work 240 years ago and what they could buy compared to now. On average, we're living the good life.
I agree completely. The price is based on what the market will bear.
I do still get worked up :D at, say, the price a Coke. The contents of that bottle and its value hasn't changed, yet it costs more.
A pound of nails costs more, yet its value hasn't truly changed.
Unlike a modern vehicle, where the added complexities and features has added value.


Audioholic Ninja
I agree completely. The price is based on what the market will bear.
I do still get worked up :D at, say, the price a Coke. The contents of that bottle and its value hasn't changed, yet it costs more.
A pound of nails costs more, yet its value hasn't truly changed.
Unlike a modern vehicle, where the added complexities and features has added value.
Don't even get me started on building materials, we were building houses for $109 per sq ft {I'm talking nice homes, exotic-ish hardwoods and tiles, every counter top stone, all soft shut hand made custom cabinets, high end glass and doors, high end exterior finishes like hardy, stone, brick, stucco, ect {very few vinyl and when we did use it is was expensive interloc type}, granted I was doing 90% of it in house, the only things we didn't do was some of the electric service, roofing, granite, and well drilling... less than $110 per sq, so we could build a 3900 sq ft home, with cathedral ceilings, high end mechanical systems ect for $425K, them houses were selling for $700K land was costing about $60k per lot and people were calling 50 times a day to see if they were for sale!!! Now, not long later, that same house will cost $175 per sq, which will be in the neighborhood of $700K, but the real problem is that 700K home will only sell for around $550K!!!!!! I have talked to many builders and no one can remember a time where you couldn't build a new home and sell it for a profit {say 10-20%}, now you build a home expect to lose 25-30%!!!


Audioholic Samurai
Suggesting behaviors that we understand to be helpful is great, but ragging on ImcLoud (or anyone) isn't. A lot of these responses are surprisingly aggressive, judgmental, and dramatic. Money discussions can bring that out, since a lot of us are likely insecure about our own financials to some extent (at least I am at times haha).
Thanks bud, I am used to weeding out the comments that are fueled from anything besides wanting to be helpful, lol, I just smile and feel sorry for the authors of them...
Irv, my apologies for the suicide comment, but lest you misjudge me, it has to do with family, not money issues. It doesn't look like I'll be having children of my own, and am a bit emotionally raw about it right now, and your belly aching was just too much.

As for the money thing, I think your foolish to liquidate assets and create a huge tax burden. That's money that could be better put to use for the benefit of your family, St. Judes, or whatever else you want to do with it. Sending it to Uncle Sam is a total waste. You've amassed the wealth, use it properly.

So, again, some folks would love to have your "troubles".


Audioholic Slumlord
My granddad was the wealthiest person I have ever known. I remember visiting once as a kid. After a dinner of filets and lobster, he sat down in his easy chair, with his shoeshine kit, and started shining his shoes. I asked him, "Granddaddy, why do you shine your own shoes when you can give the shoeshine boy 25 cents to do it?". He replied, "Why should I pay 25 cents for something I can do myself?". I always remembered it. Didn't always follow it, but remembered. :)
I don't know many rich folks, only a few. One of such families had invited us to stay over for few days at his "house" in Maine few years ago. When I say "house" I really mean he has 3 houses on the ocean side property sided larger than some parks I know. Lets just say we had a two story full sized house just for me and wife

After very nice lobster dinner the owner (which happens to be over 60 years old) and me loaded huge pot with lobster parts leftovers and water and drove (on a golf cart) to loading dock - it was almost 10pm and completely dark. We emptied the pot and he did good job of initial cleaning it.

Given his age and his very considerable estate why he didn't just had someone do it for him??

I think him and Herbu's granddad shared similar mindset and this I am willing to bet this mindset helped to build or increase their fortunes


Audioholic Ninja
Irv, my apologies for the suicide comment, but lest you misjudge me, it has to do with family, not money issues. It doesn't look like I'll be having children of my own, and am a bit emotionally raw about it right now, and your belly aching was just too much.

As for the money thing, I think your foolish to liquidate assets and create a huge tax burden. That's money that could be better put to use for the benefit of your family, St. Judes, or whatever else you want to do with it. Sending it to Uncle Sam is a total waste. You've amassed the wealth, use it properly.

So, again, some folks would love to have your "troubles".
My comment wasn't directed at you or anyone specific, but I know I am not always centered, I work on it when I can and notice it, but I also know when people are biased against me, I haven't gotten this far by letting it effect me 2 minutes after I notice it... I have been told you either love me or hate me, not much room for middle ground, people that know me seem to tolerate me for some reason, lol... I try my best to treat people how I would want to be treated or have my family and friends treated, you won't see me ever throw the first stone, I can promise you that, but I am the type to play to the death after being hit by said initial stone...

I understand a lot of people have sets of issues all there own, I wouldn't dare burdon an internet forum with my "real" issues, even with my wife sick that is about as far as the conversation goes, not much deeper, because people have their own problems and I know that... Topics I start like this one are to help me get a handle on something I may or may not think I am able to make constructive choices about, I know when it comes to money I am a roi guy, all about the return, and asking friends in person can be embarrassing because, a lot of the replys would be judgemental, not their fault, or anyone on this forums who judges me, but how my brain works judging doesn't come to my mind first.. You ask me advice I put myself in your shoes and tell you what I would do, its how my mind is prone to work, I do have diagnosed mild OCD.. While waiting for anything I have to count things, tiles in the doctors office, cars in traffic, people and chairs in restaurants, then I start dividing them and comparing the numbers to other items, for example patrons vs employees, patrons vs tables, and seats, females vs males, it all depends how long I have to wait.... Also the fact I need to control myself from over doing and obsessing on individual accomplishments trying to break 100% efficiency, or collecting all of something in a series or all of that item and its variables, I hate about myself... I wish I could own Spiderman # 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 11, NOPE I need 3 copies of #1, 5 copies of #2, and no less than 2 copies of each other issue and any of their variables, the good thing about that is I found a way to make money doing it, buy low and ungraded, send out for grading, buy before the demand hits by watching current events like movies, keep them perfect and well documented, don't fall in love with any and sell when the market is highest... I can honestly say I have a comic and autographed ball collection that probably approaches a million dollars, and it may stand me $150K after I add and subtract all the investments and moving around I did with the collectibles... I traded $5K of books for a few paintings by a guy named Gergory Perillo I brought them home and my wife was like WTH are you going to do with them? {they were of indians and a horse, lol}, I sold them pictures 9 months later for almost $30K, I gave $5K in books that cost me under $2500 and turned it into $28,800 in less than a year!!! SO that money goes rite back into where it originally came from, but my $2500 back in the bank, move the remainder to more tangible goods investing.... Its the best of both words, you get to enjoy nice things and profit from them, if you figure out how to do that you will enjoy them just that much more, imagine buying a stereo system for $20K listening to it for 2 years and selling it for $30K, then putting the $20K back in the bank and spending $10K on another stereo listening to that one for a while and selling it for $20K.... I can not think of anything better.. Problem is stereo don't work that way... Nor do boats, if I could get stereos and boats to go up in value after you use them I would be so much happier about spending money on them....

Anyway, I am sorry if you want children and are not going to have them, my uncle and many friends have adopted, my wife has brought up adopting a bunch of times {she is a pedi specialist at our largest pediatric hospital so sees a lot of kids in need}. Granted I wouldn't trade my kids for all the money in the world, if it meant I had to move into a housing project to keep one of them well I wouldn't think twice about it, I would pack up my clothes and go, thats not the issue in this post... I was surprised at the cost, I was surprised that I was the only one in my home surprised about the cost, and I was surprised that it has gotten past me, made me think what else do I ignore or not know about...

In the scheme of things, NO $3K is not a lot of money, but as anyone mildly intelligent can tell by my posts I like to know that my money is being spent wisely, I like getting more than I pay for and when I am done with it getting more or such a high percentage of my money back that I owned it for virtually nothing compared to its use.. Just look in my garage, Jeep Wrangler, one of the highest resale values in a passenger vehicle, Toyota still the highest resale value according to most all studies. i am not sure why I obsess about returns maybe its from the years of research on property values and housing value trends, made me crazy about tracing every last cent... Maybe watching the economy go from over night millionaires to homeless and on government assistance, scared me into being over protective of what I have, I don't know... And I know I think about money way too much, I always say one day I won't worry about money, but for some reason that day is getting further and further away....

One more thing ski, as far as the tax burden you are correct, I would not sell everything all at once, after painstakingly going so far out of my way to make sure all my investments were sound and putting so much work into each and every one. I do plan on keeping the very profitable low maintenance properties for a very long time, why would I sell a property for $300K when it makes me $30K a year after taxes and expenses, 10 years and I get the $300K and keep my property still worth by them hopefully $330K.... But there are a couple that are a lot of work, mostly because of occupants and areas {I have all nice areas for rent, no inner city or anything like that, BUT, some areas like to pllay games with homestead taxes and rental income taxes...} my properties are all setup to be maintenance free for 30 years when I finish them, 30 yr roofs, 30 year sidings, 30 year porches, 30 year heating systems, ect ect ect but stuff still happens, between tenants I have to go in, clean, repair walls, floors, fixtures, appliances, ect and if someone doesn't stay at least a year, it gets to be a pain.. Even with all of my planning I can not get a hold where people live in one place for the longest, I rent to people with long histories at their last residence, I buy in neighborhoods with stable structure and local businesses, but still sometimes you get them tenants that sign 1 year and leave, now I have to re advertise, have it empty for a month or 15 days, clean it, paint it, plaster the holes they put for pictures, ect...

Its a live and learn business, I tried doing rentals in the city near colleges, dorm rooms, OMG never again, them kids are animals, I was getting calls at 4 am that the front windows fell out of the house and are on the lawn, the sink fell through the counter, someone on the 3rd floor fell asleep in the tub and drown to death plus destroyed the entire building with flood damage... I sold them properties FAST, lol.... You wouldn't believe how dangerous college is, them kids die left and right, I don't need that sh!t on my plate... I had 3 just disappear!! They all came back but parents are calling me like I know where they are, I never et them, I couldn't tell you what color, size, shape, they were... The money was insane though, a 3 story apartment in the city that wouldn't get you $800 a floor turned into 15 student dorm rooms with 3 common areas at $590 a room!!!! A house I bought at auction for $28K invested 110K into it and the first year the rents made over $105K!!!! and all rents have to be paid in advance for the year!!! OUt of 40 kids that rented 11 got there security deposits back though, so you could spend $50K redoing the place every year lol... I still own 1 small one near PC, its 9 rooms with 3 common areas, $650 per month with $2000 security deposits, entire lease paid up front annually, and my office manager picks the tenants personally... It has been very good so far with that one, but it is very close to a police sub station, lol...

Anyway enough about business, I only talk so much about it because maybe someday someone from here may think about going into the realty business, now is a great time to invest, some may turn up their nose like I am bragging, but there are a few local guys that would kill for a few minutes of my advice on the matter... You have good credit, are a little handy, and have a little equity or capital to start with and you can be a millionaire in 10 years, not rocket surgery, I have already learned form my own mistakes... I have had people contact me for business plans on how to do it in FLorida, TN, Ohio {property is super cheap in some areas, but for good reason}, I have a friend that flys me out to Oregon to help him with new developments, we spend some time hunting and eating, then go sit down in his office where he sets me up my own desk and we go over everything from local economy structure to what material to use on the driveways and what color to do the appliances... This is once a year, I use it like a vacation {because I am cheap}....

Anyway, look into it, lets all be rich and complain about money... IN 10 years we can all invite BSA over to dump lobster carcasses in the ocean with us...
Last edited:


Audioholics Master Chief
I finally finished up my sons school shopping, my wife usually takes care of this but this year it's my bag...

So they are 13 and 15 so they know where to go, we go to my friends shop for shoes, socks, and some T shirts, this is where it started... $129 for a single pair of sneakers and they both wanted the same ones, then $68 and $80 for gym shoes, after socks, and a handful of t shirts the bill came to $540

Next we go to target, get underwear, pads, pens, what ever else... just over $200

Next we go to old navy- this wasn't bad at all $160 of jeans and a couple more shirts...

Now onto the clothing store- 4 more pairs of jeans, 5 or 6 pairs of shorts, a couple shirts, some button ups, underwear, under tees, a few under armor shirts, a couple new hats, some more socks, 2 backpacks, and some misc odds and ends like my oldest wanted a new belt, and my youngest had to have this ugly pull over that was $60...
Are you sitting down? $1300 at expression!!!!

So I spent around $2500 on school clothes and supplies today!!! So I walk in the house thinking my wife is going to say "why would you spend that much!?!?!?!" I wish I video taped her reaction, I said " do you know what this just cost me?" this women turns to me looks at the bags and says "$2800?" I said "WHAT?" she said "its usually rite under $3000, was it more than that?" I just walked away... So if they have 5 more years {avg'd} of school left, that means I will spend another $12-$15K on school clothes!!! This is not happening next year, NO MORE of this sh!t... Next year all shopping done at old navy, them jeans were $20, shirts were $15, the same thing as they picked out for $80 and $40 shirts at the other place..... And no more expensive sneakers, $50 limit... I haven't told my wife or the kids this yet, I figure I will break it to them next year, why argue about it for a year, this years damage is done...

2500 fkin dollars, wtf is wrong with me? I am tempted to go take everything back and redo the shopping myself.... $3000 last year my wife is out of her mind... Thats a decent used compact car...
Trust me I relate. MY daughers school uniforms were about $1k. Since there are no good public schools in our area I have both of my kids in private and it's costing me about $18-20k/yr. That's more than I spent in 3 years at the University to earn my B.S.E.E.

Then when you're looking for a car with reasonably good performance and some luxury these days, they cost almost $50k!

WTF, inflation city!


Audioholic Samurai
It's cool, Irv, this is the Steam Vent, after all.

As a man, you must understand my desire for my own biological offspring. And it's not my issue per se, but the one I love's inability to procreate denying me that conceit. I'll figure something out. More bummed for her than me, but my personal bummage is hefty too, last in the line and all. We would have made really cute babies, and it would have been nice to do so before my own father passes, which is not promising under the circumstances. Metastatic cancer, looking like months at best, and all downhill. It's a real **** show in the ski bum household, lemme tell ya. Muther****inshit is all I can think to say about it.

And as for business/money, folks can learn from your experiences, so keep on sharing. If the successful don't share their experiences, idiocracy will prevail. Wisdom is like manure; it's meant to be spread around. The day when everyone has the luxury of worrying about multi-kilobuck back to school expenses, that will be a good day.

Again, sorry for the thread crapping.


Audioholic Chief
Trust me I relate. MY daughers school uniforms were about $1k. Since there are no good public schools in our area I have both of my kids in private and it's costing me about $18-20k/yr. That's more than I spent in 3 years at the University to earn my B.S.E.E.
Then do they have the balls to call and ask for a donation? lol

You using that Florida college program? I think you pay in and then once they go to college, they can either go to any school in the state of Florida or get the funds applied to an out-of-state school...tax free I believe..

I had aid, but, yeah, your private school tuition is more than I paid for my B.S.M.E. Without a scholarship, I'd probably never have gone to college. The debt would have killed me.


Audioholic Slumlord
How the fk do I respond to that??????
"Pack up your f^%&in' sh!t and get the f^%& out." :D

Gimme a good deal on some gear so I have an excuse to come out and spank you right on your twatty. :eek: :p


Audioholic Ninja
"Pack up your f^%&in' sh!t and get the f^%& out." :D

Gimme a good deal on some gear so I have an excuse to come out and spank you right on your twatty. :eek: :p

Nice... $2000 for a hardly used set of jade 5's :D but hurry someone is coming tomorrow to look at them...


Audioholic Slumlord
Sometimes I'd swear that you and YAA are the same person. Actually the only thing of yours that makes me sweat is that Parasound 2100. Maybe after I pay a couple of bills I'll start sniffing around for one again ... unless you wanna sell me yours ... you deserve an upgrade after all that Irv's no good sh!t. Buy yourself some Mac gear.


Audioholic Ninja
LOL, I do want a parasound p5, lol maybe by next summer, a friend of mine is supposed to sell me his jc1's and p5 as soon as he gets his new setup.. He heard some BAT stuff and fell in love with it, I personally was never crazy fond of Balanced Audio Tech stuff, over priced and kind of plain looking, but he said it sounds like hot naked angels sunbathing on his ear drums..., he didn't really say that.. but he likes the stuff..


Speaker of the House
Staff member
That is a very good deal for the Jade 5s. Whoever ends up with some Jade 5s for $2k is very lucky. Why aren't you asking for more?
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
LOL, I do want a parasound p5, lol maybe by next summer, a friend of mine is supposed to sell me his jc1's and p5 as soon as he gets his new setup.. He heard some BAT stuff and fell in love with it, I personally was never crazy fond of Balanced Audio Tech stuff, over priced and kind of plain looking, but he said it sounds like hot naked angels sunbathing on his ear drums..., he didn't really say that.. but he likes the stuff..
I am glad I've stumbled on this post. I have totally forgoten about my BAT amp. I bought it with 1 channel not working for $750.00 and was told it was between $2-$300 to get it fixed and that was amost a year ago, hope he's still around.



Audioholic Ninja
That is a very good deal for the Jade 5s. Whoever ends up with some Jade 5s for $2k is very lucky. Why aren't you asking for more?
I bought them cheap and never really fell in love with them, they sound amazing don't get me wrong, they are detailed and aggressively crystal clear, the bass is first rate, everything about them is good, but I just like my evo2's much more... I bought them to replace the evo2's, it didnt work out that way, lol.. I don't know why the evo2's never caught on in the US, but I will tell you they are an amazing line, just great sound, very hard to beat...


Audioholic Ninja
Dealers offloading their demos on eBay kills the resale value :/
Wharfedale Jade 5 Tower Speakers Pair Gloss Black | eBay

Happens with a lot of speaker companies that sell through dealers.
The guy that is coming to look at mine talked to that company, them sold before and were returned or something, I didn't get the entire story, but I was told they are scratched up.. Mine are perfect..

They are a really nice speaker for that price though, $2000 for a $3200+ set of still in production speakers is pretty good


Audioholic Ninja
I am glad I've stumbled on this post. I have totally forgoten about my BAT amp. I bought it with 1 channel not working for $750.00 and was told it was between $2-$300 to get it fixed and that was amost a year ago, hope he's still around.

Walter get that thing fixed are you crazy.... Thats actually not a bad looking amp, the BAT's I have seen were all plain black boxes...

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