Are these Commercial/dj/band amps as clean as the Hifi stuff for critical listening? Power is not my concern..
Not sure what you mean. An amp amplifies. I'm sure commercial bands like sounding clean at their venues.
I've owned Carver, Adcom, Parasound. Crowns been around longer, produced more designs, have more patents. They didn't get where they are at today by producing amps that sound like crap.
Look, a Crown DriveCore or Yamaha PS (you know their logo is three tuning forks right?) is just a drive away. The first and best thing you can do is dump the misconception about pro-audio gear. Not saying there isn't a bad amp out there in either boutique or pro audio.
For three years running I had a public offer:
Come over and pick a Crown XLS 402D vs Parasound HCA 1000A stone cold on my Statements in a 9 out of 10 coin flips. You would get the Parasound, you would get $5K, all your air fair, hotel, car taken care of and shut me up.
After that I simply sold them and the Adcom.
Go to Parts Express Tech Talk and ask for opinions from hardcore speaker designers what they think of the Crown DriveCores.