Not sure I want it, but it does offer some good features
1 dual hdmi out
hdmi 2.0
8 hdmi inputs
Free shipping in USA. 30-day in-home trials.
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Dear friend,
As a member of our XMC-1 reservation list, you’re probably wondering when shipments will begin.
Well, we have some great news for you. Although we may not be shipping in February as planned, we’ll be shipping shortly afterward—and the XMC-1 will be an even better product for this minor delay.
So how is the XMC-1 “even better,” you ask? Here’s how:
Full HDMI 2.0 and 4K Capability. That’s the largest part of this short delay—simply waiting for the HDMI 2.0 interface chips to ship in quantity. But it’s worth it. If we’d hurried to hit our planned date, we would have had to use HDMI 1.4. Now, your XMC-1 is ready for all of HDMI 2.0’s capabilities from the start.
2 HDMI Outputs, and Full 3D/4K OSD. Now, you’ll have 8 HDMI inputs and 2 HDMI outputs on the XMC-1, as well as the most sophisticated on-screen display available—fully integrated into 3D content, and 4K content as well, for unsurpassed convenience and ease of use.
World’s Most Powerful Room Correction. No product south of $20,000 offers Dirac room correction—except the XMC-1. This is full-scale, professional-level room correction. Combined with precision equalization capability and a superb balanced audio path, the XMC-1 will take your system to the next level.
Made in USA. Yes. The XMC-1 is the first product that will be built in our Nashville, USA facility, in our brand new production center, for the greatest control over quality, consistency, and reliability.
So, what does this mean in terms of the ship date?
We expect to be shipping the first XMC-1s in March. However, since we’re ramping up the new production center, and making sure the first products are absolutely perfect, shipments will be slow. It may take another 6-8 weeks to work through the reservation list. Thanks for your patience—it will pay off in an even better product!
We look forward to keeping you updated. It won’t be long now before you’ll have your own XMC-1, and take your theater beyond expectations.
The Emotiva Team
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