I'm only concerned because I read having an under-powered receiver (going purely based on the numbers) can damage your speakers. Since my center speaker is 150w RMS, if my receiver is indeed putting out less than 100w, then they are pretty unmatched in my opinion.
And, your opinion would be in error. That's why you are here, to learn.
Like I said in the previous post--Don't get caught up on this. It's pretty much a useless spec. All it tells you is how much power the speakers can handle CONTINUOUSLY before you fry the voice coils.
You missed my point on the AVR and the Watts. The point is that doubling the power = 3dB SPL increase (i.e. not much SPL increase).
Klipsch is known to produce efficient speakers. So, I HIGHLY doubt that the Yammy is underpowered and causing your problems.
Do you ever hear anything that "sounds hideous" coming out of your speakers? Clilcks, clacks, thumps, severe distortion? If the answer is "no", then you are fine with that AVR.
Start from the beginning. Describe your problem and describe what you want to improve.
Until we get clear, concise, and precise info from you about your problem, I still stick with my 2 comments.
1) Buy a REAL subwoofer (or better yet a pair of subs) like one of these
2) Check the AVR settings, be sure no funny processing modes are enabled. Try the room correction/calibration.
You either need to optimize your settings on the AVR, optimize speaker placement, or buy a big boy sub.
I am fairly certain that the Yammy power rating is not your problem here. You seem hung up on that and seems that you came here to get us to validate your suspicion. But, I say "look elsewhere for the problem".