Juno, Aliens VS Predator: Requiem and Fox Digital Copy



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
Two notable DVD and Blu-ray releases are available this week - Juno and Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem. Juno wins an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay that went to blogger-turned-screenwriter Diablo Cody. AVP: Requiem has, um... killer aliens and , um... promises not to suck as bad as the first AVP.

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Senior Audioholic
My Suckmeter rates the AVPR a solid 9.5, while the slightly less sucky AVP is a relatively benign 7.0. Sure wish these clowns would raise their standards a little. In the immortal words of Pat Paulson durilng his presidential campaign, "Ive upped my standards, now up yours!";)
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
I actually liked AVP, the first one. It was stupid and cheesy and all, but in all honesty, I was totally entertained by it. Just check your brain at the door and relax. I picked up the AVP two pack on blue ray, it was only $27.95 delivered for both. Sometime in a few weeks I'll have to play with the digital copy to see how it looks or works.



Audioholic Spartan
I had very low expectations for AVP because I'm not a big fan of the Alien series but I actually liked it. I'll give AVPR a shot too...when it makes to cable.


Audioholic Chief
I enjoyed AVP. Pure mindless fun. If AVP: Requiem is better, then it's going in my netflix queue.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I enjoyed AVP. Pure mindless fun. If AVP: Requiem is better, then it's going in my netflix queue.
That's about where I'm at with these movies. I can definitely attest to the sound being awesome! Killer bass and lots of front-to-rear effects especially in the outer space scenes. It's worth a rental at least if you have a blu-ray player and can hear the DTS HD MA soundtrack

Jim Robbins

If the U.S. would just have the mind set of taking over all the adjacent countries in a forceful military sort of way, then we wouldn't have these problems. :D Of course, military expansions will cost money, so all the current Canadian citizens will have to give up half their pay to cover the invasion. :p


In all seriousness, it's stupid to have restrictions like this. Of course we aren't the same country, but really, we use the same technologies, have the same standards, and heck, the dollar is virtually the same value now. I don't see why it even matters. Gah!!


Leave no one standing!

I enjoyed both for different reasons. I thought AVP was fun but it could have been much more. The biggest problem folks had with AVP (other than plot) was that it was rated PG-13 and thus less vicious than other Aliens movies.

The AVPR folks took that to heart. BOY DID THEY TAKE THAT TO HEART!

The killed off almost everything that was good and pure. The only thing they left out was kittens. They got small boys, lead characters, puppies, pregnant women, babies, the list goes on and on.

If they had impaled a kitten I think the movie would have been a great success (tongue in cheek).

I remember walking out of the theater with my jaded moviegoing companion saying to myself "Damn! They held nothing back!"

Definitely not good cinema but it now holds a special place in my heart for greatest overreaction to fan complaints!


Audioholic General
AVP sucks just like Craptastic Four and every other day and date action flick Fox has released on Blu-Ray. I will give them props for Juno.

That said--this is about digital files synced to portable devices. I take it the digital copies are DRM'd to hell just like Fox's BD+ Blu-ray discs? Itunes, from what I recall, generally does non-DRM'd MP4 for TV episodes. I doubt that the WMV file for AVP is the non-DRM kind. I pretty much avoid most WMV porn on peer-to-peer sites, since it usually requires some login to some spyware overloaded site of pop-up hell. What about the MP4 copy?
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
If the U.S. would just have the mind set of taking over all the adjacent countries in a forceful military sort of way,
You're right, invasion/occupation (as you're all too aware) costs way too much.

I mean not a hint of sarcasm believe it or not in the blatantly off topic rant that follows...

On the other hand. To let Canada join the US (more Canadians than you might expect would be totally on board) would actually be unpallatable to Americans.

Capitol Hill wouldn't accept the provision to its Electoral College of ten odd more states with the voting habits of Rhode Island.

Just think - if the US only elected Democrats and Canado-Tory-Liberals for twenty-some-odd years straight it would resolve the US deficiut (a feat that eludes so called American conservatives) - but only at the expense of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Gurmman, Raytheon, Haliburton and a few others.

Just think of the chaos that would ensue with lobbiests in Washington!

The other option is making Canada a series of territories like Puerto Rico. But Canada has more oil than Saudi Arabia and more fresh water than the US and Russia (fresh water is the new oil in 2020). It's at least earned the right to statehood. Maybe you could secretly make a territorial arrangement with the maritime provinces and Quebec, but I didn't say that out loud.

No, the US gets a way better deal with a (so called) free trade arrangement with Canada and as long as Canada elects Prime Ministers like Harper, the US doesn't need an invasion or have to worry about messy business like occupation for its north-of-the-border lapdog.

Private corporations that forget a whole separate market exists north of border is pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.

Consider that what the entire Canadian consumer market brings to the table for any US corporation (The Gap, Ford, Old Navy or the Piggly Wiggly) is about the size of the state of Florida. The corporations that forget we have unique licensing arrangements can be forgiven. In fact we pretty much expect such SNAFUs as I'm sure residents of Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico have learned as well.

As a Canadian, I'm rooting for you guys! (I'm a Canadian who loves America - so much so I'm a vet of your US Army) I hope the US dollar and economy gets better ASAP - we're relying on you guys - as Dennis Leary said - to control mean SOBs that control **** bombs! I want the US dollar to be the world's currency. The Loonie is just a small buffer that can't hide from US dollar devaluation forever.

Being such close neigbours we get all the economic benefits of the world's premier super power - a neigbour with whom we can speak English, and we don't have to deal with your unique health care arrangements.


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