

Audioholic Samurai
So, I've been really enjoying my set-up this week after getting some new gear from Emotiva. I received an ERM-6.2 monitor to be used as a center channel speaker, as well as a XPA-5 amplifier (5 ch. @200 wpc).

Without a doubt, these two peices of equipment have really made an impact (very positive) on how my system sounds. I've read several reviews of the XPA-5, all of which have been very favorable. I'm running mine in 3 channel mode which is delivering 250 wpc to my front left, center, and right speakers. Presently, my front sound stage is a mixed bag of speakers consisting of two Polk Audio RT7 bookshelf speakers, and now an ERM-6.2 monitor as the center channel, which I fully realize is a violation of the prescribed voice matching of the speakers on the front stage, but I was drawn to the ERM-6.2 after reading the review here at Audioholics of the ER 5.0 speaker system. So I decided to add the 6.2 to my set-up in hopes of improving what I would call fairly lackluster center channel performance form my Polk Audio CSi30.

So several differences exist between my front stage speakers. The ERM-6.2 is a sealed speaker. It's frequency response is 80-20Khz +/-2db, The Polk Audio RT7 speakers have a frequency response of 49-25Khz -3dB, and they are ported. Also, the ERM monitor utilises a dual driver plus tweeter, while the RT7 is a single driver plus tweeter. The drivers in ther ERM -6.2 are 6 inches in diameter, and the tweeter is soft domed, ferro-fluid cooled. The drivers in the RT7s are 7.5 inches in diameter, and the tweeter is a trilaminate dome design. The nominal impedance of the ERM-6.2 is 4 ohms while the RT7 is 8 ohms. Also, the ERM is bi-ampable, while the RT7 is not.

A couple of obvious similarites do exist between these two speakers. First, they have identical sensitvities at 89 dB/watt/meter, and they both have silk dome tweeters that are 1" in diameter. My hope was that the "closeness" in tweeter design and sensitvity would allow for reasonable integration of the ERM-6.2 into the set-up. I have not been disappointed, and the results have been very pleasing.

All week I have been drawn to the ERM-6.2's sonic quality. I did compare it to the CSi30 using some familiar audio (Jazz, Rock) and movie tracks (Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille), and immediately noticed that the CSi30 seemed to be boxey sounding with the sound field remainig quite constrained to the speaker enclosure itself. The ERM-6.2, on the other hand, seemed to have a much more open and airy quality to it, extending well out in front and beyond the actual enclosure containing the speakers. Two huge sonic improvements noted with the ERM were in vocals and horns (saxophone), over the CSi30. Surprisingly, after adding the RT7s to the mix, I found I preferred the sound of the ERM-6.2, over the CSi30, with the Polk Audio RT7. You would think that a center speaker manufactured by the same company as the mains would integrate better, but this is not the case here.

I had to open up the ERM-6.2 and have a look at the inside to see if I could discern any other major differences that might contribute to the overall sonic improvements I have been hearing. I found a few. First, the speaker design of the ERM-6.2 is very impressive and solid. Also, the cross-over seems to be very top notch. I have included a few photos for you to look at. But the biggest difference I noticed between the ERM-6.2 and CSi30 was in the cross-over design! I certainly don't know much about the techincal specifics, but a picture is certainly worth a thousand words here! So, is it primarily the crossover causing the sonic improvements I'm hearing? I suspect not. I'm certain the tweeter/driver design is also playing a huge role here. But the sonic differences are very obvious. I'm amazed that Emotiva can offer this speaker for the price they do. It seems to be worth much more.

ERM-6.2 front

ERM-6.2 speaker 1

ERM-6.2 speaker 2

ERM-6.2 crossover 1

ERM-6.2 back

CSi30 crossover

CSi30 speaker
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Audioholic Samurai
So no one liked my little review...:( (271 views with no reply).


Audioholic Jedi
So no one liked my little review...:( (271 views with no reply).
There, I thanked you. :)

This was posted during one of my hectic weeks at work, so I probably barely noticed it. Anything with "Emotiva" in the title typically flies under my radar, too.

Thanks for the review, though! I do appreciate you taking the time to post your thoughts, and congrats on your new gear!


Audioholic Samurai
There, I thanked you. :)

This was posted during one of my hectic weeks at work, so I probably barely noticed it. Anything with "Emotiva" in the title typically flies under my radar, too.

Thanks for the review, though! I do appreciate you taking the time to post your thoughts, and congrats on your new gear!
Thanks Adam! :) You made my day! Yeah, it's not exactly an unbiased review anyway (I don't claim to be a professional). :D But I have been digging it. It's a great sounding little monitor (actually not that little).


Audioholic Jedi
I had only clicked on the first image link before. I just noticed that you posted pics of the internals. Very cool! Thanks for that. You love taking your stuff apart, don't you? :D


Audioholic Samurai
I had only clicked on the first image link before. I just noticed that you posted pics of the internals. Very cool! Thanks for that. You love taking your stuff apart, don't you? :D
Yeah, I always have as a kid...It can be very revealing...At least now I can get it back together.


Audioholic Spartan
I never saw it...:eek:

Thank you for taking the time to give us your thoughts & pics. I'm glad you're happy with them!:)


Great review!

I agree with you. Emotiva has some great quality and features for such an affordable line of speakers. And all of their crossovers were designed by an anal retentive electrical engineer.

Here's the 8.3 crossover:



Audioholic Samurai
Great review!

I agree with you. Emotiva has some great quality and features for such an affordable line of speakers. And all of their crossovers were designed by an anal retentive electrical engineer.

Here's the 8.3 crossover:

Yes! I agree. It really makes me want to try and make some new and improved crossovers for my RT7s just to see if I can improve their already good sound. Maybe I should PM TLS Guy...:)


Full Audioholic
great review! the 6.2's unfortunately have been lost from the spotlight that shines now on the 8.3's and 6.3's. Many people have just tried those and have overlooked the mighty 6.2. Great to hear your enjoyment of it. It sounds like you like the speaker alot, have you thought at all about trying out Emotiva speakers as mains?


Audioholic Samurai
great review! the 6.2's unfortunately have been lost from the spotlight that shines now on the 8.3's and 6.3's. Many people have just tried those and have overlooked the mighty 6.2. Great to hear your enjoyment of it. It sounds like you like the speaker alot, have you thought at all about trying out Emotiva speakers as mains?
Hi bigred! You are right about it being over shadowed by its bigger brothers, but this speaker can hold its own. It has made me consider upgrading eventually, but I have some other shorter term upgrades planned before the speakers. While the finish is not as refined as many of the higher quality speakers out there, it is a very well built, high performance, speaker easily worth 2X the price (after hearing it). Very well made.


Full Audioholic
Not that I'm an EE or anything like that, but you gotta be impressed (at least from a novice's POV) at how burly those crossover assemblies are. I presume there is some sonic benefit to having a crossover like that.

Me? There's no way I'd take apart my speakers. I can see it now: after spending 20 minutes taking it apart on a Friday night, I'd be sweating and cursing the rest of the weekend putting the stupid thing back together only to find, late on Sunday night, that I have a few extra pieces.

So I'd go to bed that night wondering how I'd be able to get the speaker fixed while it was still under warranty. "Gee, I dunno what happened. It was like all of a sudden, it just stopped playing."

My guess is that most speaker manufacturers have heard that one and that they know how to tell you that you're outta luck.

Like Clint Eastwood says, a man's gotta know his limitations, and taking apart my electronics is not within mine.


Full Audioholic
^ good thing emotiva is pretty easy going! Lonnie would be all for you admiring the insides of the speaker, and if you have issues just give him a call and he would be happy to walk you through any issues:cool:


Full Audioholic
I have no idea how large a company Emotiva is, but your post indicates to me a certain characteristic that I've noticed in the level of personal care some of these internet-direct companies provide: they actually take the time to listen to you and get to know you a bit.

Which, when you think about it, seems like a counter-intuitive interesting twist on the notion of selling stuff to a global market over the internet; to the uninitiated, it would seem that selling through that model would make you more of "a number" (a la Bob Seger's "I'm not a number") rather than less of one.

I've had good experiences with the folks at SVS and Elemental Designs in this respect. Now all I need is some cash to buy that subwoofer...

And since you're on a first name basis with someone at Emotiva, it seems logical to presume that they provide a similar level of customer care.

Way cool.


Full Audioholic
I have no idea how large a company Emotiva is, but your post indicates to me a certain characteristic that I've noticed in the level of personal care some of these internet-direct companies provide: they actually take the time to listen to you and get to know you a bit.

Which, when you think about it, seems like a counter-intuitive interesting twist on the notion of selling stuff to a global market over the internet; to the uninitiated, it would seem that selling through that model would make you more of "a number" (a la Bob Seger's "I'm not a number") rather than less of one.

I've had good experiences with the folks at SVS and Elemental Designs in this respect. Now all I need is some cash to buy that subwoofer...

And since you're on a first name basis with someone at Emotiva, it seems logical to presume that they provide a similar level of customer care.

Way cool.
Yeah its definately way cool. Some of these ID companies provide some of the best service i have ever come across. In fact i have become friends with a few of them just from hanging around on the Emotiva Lounge.


Audioholic Samurai
Emotiva is a 5 star deal IMO (no I was not paid to say that!). It was real pleasure doing business with them, and I feel that they make superb products. I highly recommend them.

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