Mr. Lamb Fries said:
This might be an inexpensive temporary fix to this problem!
Thanks Mr Lamb Fries. However, although I
am presently constrained, I'm not really looking to purchase a screen, even a temporary one, since it would only be false economy.
The reason I didn't get one at the time I bought my projector was because living in a rented flat; I had no idea what size I would require, i.e. for when eventually I get a place of my own. Until this happens, I am content with the picture I currently have. Thanks for the thought though.
ironlung said:
In AutoCAD 2002 go to File/Export... export bitmap then use most any photo program to open the .BMP and save as .JPG. Hope this helps.
It does. Thanks. Although I have AutoCAD 2005

, it's still the same procedure (refer to thumbnail).
RLA. Did you
have to write such a long reply?!
RLA said:
Is that picture to scale? If it is, the listening position is way too far back in relationship to the width of the speakers The golden triangle rule still applies to multi-channel audio
Not sure what went wrong there. I thought my drawing
was to scale, but I guess not. I've rechecked my sizes; my speakers are 75" apart and I sit approximately 110" from them, so I'm at about the limit of how far away I should be. I may well pull the couch forward a bit, but if I do, it won't be by much as I don't want to feel the speakers as 'almost on top of my toes' if you know what I mean?
RLA said:
Subwoofer 1/3 in from the sidewall is a good place to start as well
I've still to putter-about with the sub a bit more, but I can tell you flatly that it will not be placed 1/3 of the way into the room. If I did, at it's current 'latitude', it would obscure my front towers lower drivers.
RLA said:
I would choose the projector based on resolution and then screen size and set the seated distance based on that. 2.0x the screen distance for low res projectors 1.5 -1.8 x for high res projectors.
Too late!

I already have my projector, and I
did look into screen width vs. seated distance and read-up about all things projection at prior to purchasing it.
RLA said:
Speakers may need to be selected based on dispersion characteristics, If they are placed close together and the seated position is back in the room.
Too late!

I also have my speakers. I did listen to them prior to purchasing, and do have them toed-out from a direct line to my exact listening position (contrary to my plan drawing). This is done based upon my preference, not because it is generally recommended in literature.
RLA said:
Lots of good advice from folks on this forum. Take your time and read lots to avoid costly mistakes You may want to read some of the many article’s posted on this site
I agree; I've been the recipient of it on many occasions. I have read many articles on this and other sites.
I get the impression that you think I am about to purchase a heap of gear without doing any research. This is not true. I do however very much appreciate the time you took to try to help me out. Thankyou.
j_garcia said:
You can also just screen capture the entire drawing...
Yeah, but that method always gives you a 'fuzzy' picture.
j_garcia said:
I would not point the surrounds directly at your head, as you have shown. This is a common mistake.
Again, as with the towers, I guess I should've shown their correct orientation on the plan. I only drew the 'line of sight' for clarity. My surrounds actually point slightly ahead of me. Though they didn't used to...
j_garcia said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "trap"? It sounds like you are talking about damping material, not bass traps - two similar, but somewhat different purposes. Bass traps are not used to eliminate main speaker reflections, they are used to break up low frequency waves collection at the boundaries (generally corners) of the room. Acoustic foam, or something similar, are used to control direct reflections of upper mid and high frequencies.

Ok. It seems that my biggest fault on this site is my generalisations. Let me be more specific:
I have not yet taken an accurate measurement of my rooms response to my speakers. I am currently awaiting a splitter adaptor in order to do so. This thread was started prior to posting the results of the measurement so that I could get a few questions in.
j_garcia said:
Do you already have these speakers and you've got them in your room right now?
Again, thanks to all, but may I ask that we try to keep this thread about treatments please. At the end of the day, I can play about with speaker positions until the 'cows come home', but I'll still need to sort out the room's reflections. I'll be truly amazed if, after measuring my rooms response, the results are anything better than awful.