Unfortunately Paul's public personal attacks on HSU both here and now at AVS have also put a damper on the test numbers which could/should have stood on their own and now we have people wondering about his motives and possible "personal vendettas" and whether or not that impacted the test results. It's unfortunate that people can't have intelligent conversations/debates about numbers, test results and design compromises versus accusations and name calling. Maybe Paul hasn't been involved with the blogger/forum crowd much and some of the characters that come with it, but IMO his posts were in poor taste for any professional and he should be able to check his emotions at the door sort of speak when crafting his responses or just ignore those who will simply refuse to believe the results and let the numbers speak for themselves. If HSU wants to dispute them, they should have an independent third party remeasure the test or check Paul's equipment/methodology, and be present for the full remeasure if they're willing to pay him for more time (at this point highly unlikely to happen) given that the other 2 (and possibly 3 after the FW review) seem to be fine with the results.
In any event, I'm looking forward to the Funky review. I almost bought some subs from Nathan before ending up going the DIY route and he was very resourceful and very much a gentleman to deal with and helped inspire what I ended up building. All be it, no where near what he could have done given the incredible results as evidenced by Warp's subs above!