You're welcome. I probably shoulda just kept my mouth shut, and just let you look at the graph. x-axis for size, y-axis for distance. Where they cross is the rez you can discern.
Anyways, yes, you pretty much want the biggest you can get. Of all the things that bluray gives us, I personally think the visual resolution has the greatest impact. It's what lets us go big to begin with. Remember, 1080 has about 6x the resolution of 480. There is a greater percentage difference in horizontal lines of resolution between bluray and dvd, then there is dvd and VHS!
IOW, even the Panasonic 103" plasma is not too big for you, but more likely perfect. Yeah, I know, sports car price tag.
S1 vs V10. The more you watch HDTV, the less you will care about 3:2. The more you watch BD/DVD, the more you will care about it. IOW, if you watch 60% TV, 20% gaming, and 20% movies, I'd save the money for sure.
However, it's with someone like me who uses the display for 100% movies that would be in a tough bind there. What I would personally then do is simply wait for the right display at the right price. You may not be as willing to do that, so I can only wish you good luck.
There is no doubt that the S1 is a better value, IMO. However, I just would do my best to avoid 3:2.
You can possibly look at last generation's tv's, like the 800u and 850u, but depending on the exact price, it may not be worth it. The current gen is supposed to be a notch better, and even if these models bypass 3:2 with 48hz, that refresh rate induces flicker for some people. OTOH, some would say the flicker is just more similar to the cinematic experience in a theater.
The V10 does it at 72 hz, so no flicker to our eyes.
48 = 24 (film) x 2.
72 = 24 x 3.
You see, if fits neatly, no "3:2".
Don't read the following: 120hz that you see a lot is accommodating because both 24 and 60 (video) fit perfectly as fractions. (However, lots of 120hz TVs are sorta BS, because they turn film/24 into 60 first by USING 3:2, and then simply doubling or 2:2 as they say). I mention all that just in case you didn't know.