Of course you don't have to prove anything to anyone. You may believe anything you like. I prefer the truth and reality of things , not ones imaginations, or at times, their unreliable perceptions, unless, of course, I am reading or watching a fantasy or some such.
My opinion is just a valid as anyone else's.
Actually, not all opinions are equally valid or are equal, otherwise no opinion would be worth a thing.
And that is all everyone is spouting OPINIONS.
Looked like facts to me in your post, no? Was it an opinion that you turned the volume down by 10 units?
The only proof I need is my ears! That is all the proof anyone needs.
That is not enough as those ears are very prone to falsehoods, misinterpretations and being unreliable.
All Scott needs to do is to buy a separate amplifier & prove it to himself!
Not without proper protocols he would not be able to. He'd fall into the same traps you did. Not very sound thinking. Nor will lead him to discovery.
But don't demand that everyone else should do the same.
Only when they make testable claims I will and when it suits me to do so.
Life is too short for that
Some spend their entire life trying to prove one theory. So, why not?
I intend to enjoy my life and the beautiful music my system brings to it.
Who can disagree with that?