AMG_Roadster said:
The other thought I had last night was maybe I just want to wait for awhile and see if a used Maestro comes up for sale. That would keep the sub in my target range.
So if you had the choice between a maestro & the earthquake which one would you get? Now how about if it is a new eathquake vs. a used maestro?
Interestly enough I just traded emails with someone who recently sold their Maestro on audiogon, about a month or two ago. I had sent him a question back when it was up for sale and I saved one of his return messages. I emailed him back a couple of days ago asking about his thoughts on the Maestro. He had some very interesting things to say that might interest you. I guess he actually used to frequent AVS quite a bit, but has not been over there for awhile. So he was wanting to get a smaller sub that had a built-in amp instead of the outboard one. He hemmed and hawwed though because he loved the Maestro so much, especially for music. I guess at some point he remembered someone recommending the Earthquake quite highly over at AVS and decided to give it a try and compare it to the Maestro. Having owned an earlier version of the 12" version of the EQ, he was a little skeptical though as to it's musical abilities.
Essentially what he came up with was this after comparing them side by side, the MKV-15 to his surprise was about 99% of what the Maestro was for music. In fact it was better on some selections than the Maestro, with Pop and Rock music in particular. Though I guess he is more into Jazz. This alone convinced him he could let go of the Maestro. But then he found out that the MKV-15 was much better for Movies than the Maestro, and that made it a no brainer for him. I guess it had a little more SPL but he says it's a more impactful sound especially in the mid-bass area, as well as more response down low under 20Hz.
Btw, his room is somewhere around 7000 cu. feet big and he says the MKV-15 fills it easily.
He did say that it was a little more difficult to setup than the Maestro, but after EQing it, he could not be more happy with it.
He also mentioned that the Maestro rarely goes up for sale used on audiogon. He was pretty sure his was the first in almost a year as far as he knew (though one has sold since then).
If I were you I'd buy the MKV-15 now if you can buy it from an authorized dealer (usually can be found for around $1400 delivered from many custom installers), or used if you can get it a lot cheaper. Then see if you like it after properly setting it up in your room. Remember to use the SMS-1 EQ if possible, it will make your life much easier.
Then if you still want a Maestro, wait for one to come up for sale used and see if you can even compare the two against eachother before you sell the other one. Both should be fairly easy to sell used.
My .02