I am also disappointed. It seems like the video processing is extremely poor... come on, a score of 28 on the HQV Testing, even a $30 cyberhome player can do better, that’s a joke. And almost all the test shows a quality lost when upconverting. So what is the idea. To have a new receiver with all the new tech, but that performs worse. I always been a Yamaha fan but I am also objective (maybe is not Yamaha fault, personally I think that all the HDMI deal is a way to tent the costumers to get up and buy, but does not do nothing to improve the quality, come on, most of the people that says the HDMI improve the picture need a test pattern to see the differences, because can’t see it otherwise, isn’t that silly or what, what’s next a magnifier). And there is not much eximent in the audio part so maybe is not what we hope to. But this is what reviews are for, to inform the costumers and this is why this site is so important . I only wish they did a all channel test (For example a did a AB test with my DSP-A1 and a RX-V1400, both are 110 rms, and the DSP-A1 sound a lot more powerful). Well to wait to the RX-V2700, Fingers crossed.