Suggestion on a DAC



Audioholic Ninja
Irv, there's a lot more to cars, at least for some of us, than some data points about two individuals' experiences regarding reliability. I've driven a Genesis 5, and I wouldn't own it if someone gave me one. The latest Mercedes aren't my taste, frankly, but I completely understand her perspective. The Mercedes (a C-class, I assume, for $50K) is a much more satisfying drive. Most people don't have problems with them. We all have different priorities and are more discerning in some areas than others. For some people cars are appliances, and I think that's fine for them, but not for me. Cars aren't status symbols either; I don't care what anyone thinks, but I am discerning about handling and feel. Or is your sister just a status-seeker?

It is the same with Emotiva. With the exception of their basic amps I wouldn't own them. Not because they don't perform, they do, but my experience with my own CD player, a friend's DAC, and another's pre-pro, is that I'd rather pay a lot more to have better ergonomics and parts choices. I despise cheaply-made products of any kind.

Hey you sold that cd player to me, whats wrong with it.. lol I don't even have it anymore I sold it a while back, I think it went for $100 more than I paid, but then ebay and paypal fees and my time, I obviously didn't prfit anything, but resale value is there with emo gear...

ANYWAY... Back to the cars, she has a E class I belive its a 350.. I know my sister is buying the car as a status cymbal {audio forum}, no doubt about that.. I went through that phase, I had a benz or two, a few bmw's, ferraris, cadilacs, ect... Its a HUGE WASTE {with the exception of the cts-v, what fun that was}.. We pay taxes on vehicles year round here, so you buy the vehicle and pay 7% sales tax, then you pay property tax every year on that vehicle, a nice car will cost you $2200 year one, 1900 year two, 1650 year 3 until you dont own it anymore.... I am over that part of my life, I want VALUE vs Flash.. In my yard we have a 2013 jeep rubicon 4 door wrangler, one of my service trucks {which ever I take home}, a 2012 toyota tacoma {I keep this because its good on fuel and handy to have around, although we dont use it much it has under 3K miles on it}, my wifes Prius {the hospital she works at is 50 miles from our home, parking is scary, its not worth taking anything fancy there, plus she loves that car for some reason}, and thats it {besides the 3 motorcycles}, nothing flashy or fancy, I learned they are just cars.. If I am going to spend $90K on a car its going to be something that is going up in value not down, hence the classics and hot rods in my "toybox" {thats what my wife calls my detached garage}....

But I drove my sisters car and I drove in that hyundai, the hyundai is FASTer, roomier, Sportier, cheaper, has a better warranty, ect.. I dont see the value in the benz, I owned a couple, one was a preowned diesel eclass {bought it with 198 miles on it from a friend who needed to sell it fast} and it was terrible I would need a lot of your time to explain all the bad about that car, then I must not have had enough because I bought another one {gas this time} and it was again a Horrid experience...

I am now the type that if I have good luck with something I stay with it, My company service trucks are all gm's {have had awesome luck with them}, toyota has treated me good, Jeep {eh' not the best experience but mostly because of CS, the vehicle is solid}.. Emotiva, cs treats me good, the products make me smile, and the prices are really attractive...

I understand about cheaply made products, and if it was a breathing machine for my son, or an alarm system for my home, price would be less of a concern for me, but with audio gear, its just a hobby of mine, and I have many, it actually ranks quite low on the hobby scale, The least expensive of my 3 Blaser rifles cost 2-3 times more than every speaker, amp, tv, pre/pro, ect I own, and I really want this one BLASER R93 IMPERIAL SAFARI,416 REM ( ON SALE) : Bolt Action Rifles at, but can't bring myself to pull the trigger so to speak.... So I try to be as thrifty as possible, I am still a business man and I think of everything in dollars and cents, so when I buy a $90K coronet or $80K rifle, I know they are not going to lose much if any of there value, most likely they are going to increase in value {the first high end rifle I bought is now worth more than twice what I paid}, my Ruth baseball {$17K after all the buyers fees, certification, and shipping} is now worth almost double, but the say $25K in audio gear I have bought is worth about $5K if I am lucky...

So when I think about buying gear, I want it on sale, or a super value for my money... I have no problem spending money, BUT when a can get an amp for $800 that does the same thing as an amp for $8000 I try to figure it out as a business man first...
My $800 amp has a 5yr warranty, in 5 years it will still function and I will sell it for $550, in 5 years i will sell my $8000 amp for $1400, they are going to do the same thing except one is going to cost me $250 to own and the other is going to cost me $6600 to own for the same amount of time.... Same thing with speakers, I love how the Amati Futura sound and the style and finish imo {either of the 3 colors although the red is sick} make them the best looking speakers I have EVER seen!!! But they are $35K, I honestly thought about buying them, but then my douche bag business side talked me out of it, When I am sick of them or want something different I wont get $15K for them so it will be $20K to won a set of speakers for a few years, to me its crazy...

but obviously to others the audio hobby is higher on their lists, I like too many things, Baseball memorabilia, comic books, Guns, motorcycles, hot rods, boats, juke boxes, audio gear, tools, ect...

Plus my wife comes with me to different audio shops and she knows what speakers cost, I didn't think we would ever argue about money UNTIL I spent $20K on a juke box which was identical to one I already owned, she was PISSED!!! But mostly because I just refused to loan her sister money so she didn't loose her house, in my defence, she had no plan, 6 months behind on the mortgage and she had no plan for after I bailed her out, so in another 6 months she would be back in the same position except she would owe me 12K and the bank another 12K on a house that was worth $100K less than she owed on it, long story short, I told her to get an apartment{and I would let her borrow the money to move and get an apartment, at the time I was just finishing up a gorgeous 7 unit place} and walk away from the house, I in turn was the BAD guy, everyone was mad at me. like I was just trying to get a "tenant", so they banded together and bailed her out, then 4 months later she lost the house and came to me for an apartment, with 0 dollars, so I still didn't learn my lesson and told her NO, then my wife called me and she now lives in one of my units that I normally collect $1680 for but rented it to her for $900 with no deposits or anything like that and the first month free, she now hasn't paid me more than $300 a month for the last few months and I am still the bad guy... I can't win..

Anyway I forgot what we were talking about, I apologise, I am over tired and rambling, I had a rough day with my wife, we got good news day before yesterday so we celebrated and all was good, then today Bad news, so that equals no sleep followed by no sleep and tomorrow will probably be... no sleep....


Audioholic Spartan
Irv, I hope your wife gets well soon. Really.

As for the CD player, if you made a profit on it, I'm perfectly fine with that. Good for you.

As for your philosophy on cars & audio, we'll just disagree. Anyway, a man who drinks $50 shots of whiskey and buys an $80K rifle is not exactly making a convincing case for *anyone* to skimp on something they're passionate about. Shut up and go to sleep.


Audioholic Ninja
Irv, I hope your wife gets well soon. Really.

As for the CD player, if you made a profit on it, I'm perfectly fine with that. Good for you.

As for your philosophy on cars & audio, we'll just disagree. Anyway, a man who drinks $50 shots of whiskey and buys an $80K rifle is not exactly making a convincing case for *anyone* to skimp on something they're passionate about. Shut up and go to sleep.


You missed my point, whiskey aside {Most of my bottles were gifts, but I admit I have spent some silly money on whiskey, I have a bunch of collectible bottles Ill never open}, when I finished the townhouses and they started selling there was a lot of money left over, so anything I buy is an investment {business owned}, so my "collections" rifle, sports mem, comic books {there are some pics on here} are investments, they are better than money in the bank, for example I bought a comic collection for $68K in 2009 that I added to my collection, I sold a lot of the books that were just so so last summer and got almost $50K back, the rest of that collection is worth around $50K rite now, I bought 15 autograhed balls for $30K about 5 years ago they are now worth well over $75K, do you see the pattern? These are investments, I run that part of my life like a business, they are cataloged, insured, investments, using funds from my business before they were transferred into my personal name {where I would pay 30% in taxes}, so them items are in actuality owned by my "trading" company...

One of the smartest investers in the country explained how to do this to me, banks are paying a whopping .90% rite now and that is a high yield, and every other investment is so risky its not funny, but investing in tangible goods is one of the smartest things I ever heard of... Expensive niche items are going up and up and up, the items most people can not afford, like $200K collector cars, $35K baseballs, $25K comic books, $70K rifles, ect... and the best part is you get to enjoy them while the appreciate, call it double appreciation!!!! {I just made that up..}

So when I am talking about owning something like 3 copies of 8+ graded Amazing Spidey #1's and 4 copies of Amazing Fantasy #15 all graded above 5, one of which I was told is the nicest in the world by the grading company, keep in mind they are business owned COMMODITIES, although I am the sole owner of the business with my wife being vp, they are still just investments, its the same as me having a stock portfolio... But I get to enjoy them at the same time....

Now I think the i rs would put me in jail if I bought speakers that are going to depreciate 40% a year, lol so items like that are in my home and setup, there is a fine line at how that business has to be ran, you cant buy furniture for your home or a daily driver car, lol...

So do you get it now? ROI rules my life, it kills me to spend money I wont see a return on, a few months back I bought a mastercraft xstar, it killed me knowing that as soon as it left the dealership I was losing $30K, I actually stopped at the gate and looked at it in the mirror and my wife said "will you just go", she says she feels bad for me all the time because I can never enjoy anything, our home is an investment, my cars are investments, 90% of my toys are investments, she says its like living with the little kid that never takes the action figures out of the boxes....

I don't know if you remember but I put handscraped hardwoods in my house then covered them with carpet, well the kids are older now so I trust them on the floors and they spend most of their time in there bedrooms so I removed the carpet, the house looks so much better now and it was under there the entire time, not getting enjoyed...

Now I should have never covered them up, we are talking the entire house, 4300sq ft {minus the tile in the kitchen and 4 bathrooms}, I paid for the carpet, it could have paid to refinish the floors 3 times, lol.. But thats how my brain works, I figured I was selling this house when the kids graduate high school so keep it perfect, but it doenst make sense, my wife being sick makes me realize this, I wish she had been enjoying the floors the entire time we lived here, instead I covered them up so they would stay new, I fking suck, she got to see them for a day before they were covered by carpet and we werent living here it was still being built, it took her 2 weeks to pick a wood and I covered it in 24 hours... I don't deserve her... anyway, talk to you guys later...
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Audioholic Jedi
Spending money on audio or any hobby is not like investing money in a business or commodities IMO. It's more like spending money on vacation - the only purpose is to get away from something (physically or mentally) and enjoy your time (1 month vs 1 year).

Some people spend $15K per year traveling. Some people would rather spend that money on audio or another hobby.

Some people only care to travel to Europe or Hawaii (analogy = $8K amp). Some people only care to drive 200 miles to the next state (analogy = Emotiva). :D

So if spending $8K on an amp helps someone "get away" and enjoy their entire year, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that IMO. :D
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Audioholic Ninja
Spending money on audio or any hobby is not like investing money in a business or commodities IMO. It's more like spending money on vacation - the only purpose is to get away from something (physically or mentally) and enjoy your time (1 month vs 1 year).

Some people spend $15K per year traveling. Some people would rather spend that money on audio or another hobby.

Some people only care to travel to Europe or Hawaii (analogy = $8K amp). Some people only care to drive 200 miles to the next state (analogy = Emotiva). :D

So if spending $8K on an amp helps someone "get away" and enjoy their entire year, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that IMO. :D

That is an awesome way of thinking about it... BUT I think its a little different, I can not hear the difference between an emo amp and an $8K amp, I know the difference from driving to New Jersey and Flying into the Marco Polo airport in Venice, lol... To be honest with you I can not think of anything that really compares to the audio hobby, such a large span between prices but performance is almost identical, and the differences that are there are not noticeable to the human ear....
Even with guns, sure you can buy a $10K rifle that does the same as a $60K rifle BUT, the 60K rifle is worth more after 3 years the 10K is always going down, and the 60K rifle is going to have 300 hours of hand engraving done to it, with all exotic hand carved woods, that can never be done exactly the same... Sure amps look different, but they all look good to me and its not like emos chassis costs a third of what ATI's costs {if bought in the same quantity}...
Home audio electronics are kind of in a league of there own, you cant compare them to high end jewelry because its all weight, size, and quality. The only thing I can think of that is similar is watches, you can buy a watch for $100K that does the same thing as a $5K watch made by a different company, just buying the name.. Also sunglasses, you can spend $500 on a pair because of the name, or $40 on a pair still name brand but just not that name... Besides them two items I can not think of anything else that compares...

My point is you are getting the same sound, warranty, and experience in general {with amps, dac's, preamps, ect} but paying 10 times less... If you think you heard a $10K amp that sounds better than emos xpa2, I have to say you are lying to yourself, OR your ears are leaps and bounds better than mine, because IMO an amp is an amp.... Now if you like the looks of a certain brand thats different, and if that look is worth 1000% then heck, who am I to say not to buy it, but to me its crazy, I would rather buy an $800 XPA2 or $1600 XPR2 depending how much power I need and then put the extra money into the speakers... And with speakers, if I find a pair I like, they have to make sense, like I love my csb'1, I have books that cost much much more in their boxes because I like how them sound in that room better, maybe I like them because they were inexpensive? But I have expensive sets packed away in storage...
I would love to own the amati towers, they are stunning, but most of that want comes from the looks, as far as sound goes, they don't sound 30 times better than my evo2-40's, they dont even sound twice as good so how to I justify 30 times the cost? The looks are maybe worth an extra $1K to me because I like the looks of my evo's and they do sound better than my evos {in the midrange, I love the evo highs I would rank them almost equal in that area} but again, they sound such a small amount better that I could maybe justify another $1K for the sound, then maybe if I stretched it and was really trying to talk myself into it call it another $2k for the name and resale value increase... I am still $30K away from what they cost, lol... So I don't think I could ever talk myself into buying them, and god knows I really tried...

My wife's nurse is here and I have the evos on rite now, I have to admit this system costing me under $3K is a lot of its appeal, I bought everything on sale, even bought the xpa2 on bstock, to me finding a system that sounds awesome and costs very little is a big part of the fun, the msrp on them subs was more than I paid for the entire system--- dac, wires, stands, amp, crossovers, towers, ect!!!

Maybe that is some of the reason I like the csb1's so much, I got a great deal on them and everything else in the system- outlaw mono blocks {$500 for the pair} the parasound preamp was on closeout when I bought it {$300ish}, the subs were bstock $1050 they are more than that now and on closeout{ed knew I was looking for a perfect pair of bstocks so he called me when they came in and gave me a deal}!!! The stands were free {I bought a lot of wharfedale stuff, they gave me 4 sets of stands for free}, I made the wires so the entire system cost me around $2200 start to finish and it sounds amazing, I would put it up against anything twice its price and its simple, {has d1 dac and minidsp sub control both of which I bought used}...

I don't know, I am a big advocate of people buying what makes them happy, if a $10K amp and $20K speakers makes you happy with $5K wires then buy it, Ill birng the whiskey and come over and enjoy it with you anytime.. But for my money, Ill take the less expensive and almost as "good" way out...


Audioholic Spartan
Spending money on audio or any hobby is not like investing money in a business or commodities IMO. It's more like spending money on vacation - the only purpose is to get away from something (physically or mentally) and enjoy your time (1 month vs 1 year).

Some people spend $15K per year traveling. Some people would rather spend that money on audio or another hobby.

Some people only care to travel to Europe or Hawaii (analogy = $8K amp). Some people only care to drive 200 miles to the next state (analogy = Emotiva). :D

So if spending $8K on an amp helps someone "get away" and enjoy their entire year, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that IMO. :D
I'm on the same page you are. On a dollars per hour of enjoyment basis my audio system is cheap entertainment, especially if I leave it alone for another few years, which is the outlook.


Audioholic Jedi
That is an awesome way of thinking about it... BUT I think its a little different, I can not hear the difference between an emo amp and an $8K amp...
Sound quality and cost are important. But there are other intangible factors. I think personal enjoyment is salient.

Some people think EMO aesthetics are unpleasant and would never ENJOY placing EMO on their audio racks no matter how EMO sound or how cheap EMO cost.

Some people don't ENJOY owning anything made in China or Korea, etc.

Some people don't ENJOY the names "Emotiva", "Hyundai", or "Kia".

It doesn't matter to people how cheap it costs or how good it sounds if people don't ENJOY the products for whatever PERSONAL reasons.
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Audioholic Spartan
Some people think Lexus is boring.
Jeez, some people... the IS 350 is actually pretty good, so long as you can live with a car with a torque-converter automatic transmission.

In electronics, anything you have to touch and adjust, like anything with a volume control, ergonomics are important. "Feel" is also important, to me at least. Disc drives should be near-silent and operate smoothly. Push buttons should have a smooth, positive action. The unit should be solid, not flimsy. Connectors should be good quality. Function labels should be easily readable. Remotes should be easy to use and intuitive, and the buttons decisive. I don't care what the price or how well it performs, if a product feels like junk it isn't going in my system. Life is too short to put up with crap.


Audioholic Jedi
Jeez, some people... the IS 350 is actually pretty good, so long as you can live with a car with a torque-converter automatic transmission.

In electronics, anything you have to touch and adjust, like anything with a volume control, ergonomics are important. "Feel" is also important, to me at least. Disc drives should be near-silent and operate smoothly. Push buttons should have a smooth, positive action. The unit should be solid, not flimsy. Connectors should be good quality. Function labels should be easily readable. Remotes should be easy to use and intuitive, and the buttons decisive. I don't care what the price or how well it performs, if a product feels like junk it isn't going in my system. Life is too short to put up with crap.
I deleted that "Lexus is boring" part, but not fast enough. :D

Yeah, I don't want to offend anyone by implying I'm too good for certain brands. I may not like certain brands, but other people may love them. :D

But I know what you are saying. :D


Audioholic Ninja
all good points guys I agree, but I must just be too cheap to see the value in less value, I never noticed bad buttons on my emo amps, although a light in my xpa3 stopped working on the front display, that was a downer, but the amp was 4 years old and still under warranty, when I sold it I shipped to emo, they fixed it and sent it on to the person who bought it from me for free, as well as transferred the remainder of the warranty..

I understand about buying "USA" made and agree, but its getting harder and harder to do, I am back to buying usa vehicles {with the exception of toyotas}... My brain just wont let me overpay a couple 1000 percent for something that my ears can not tell the difference in, I don't know why... I would rather donate $5000 to BCRF and have a $700 amplifier than have a $5700 amplifier... they sound the same, thats why we listen to nice gear, for a nice sound, and they sound the same all of them are nice.. As far as the looks of an amp, I like the emos better than my old BK's, granted there are some out there that are like works of art, but there are also some who use pro amps in there houses, or amps with big ugly handles on them, lol....

I appreciate being able to have a conversation with out anyone getting personal, confrontational, or defensive.. Thank you for that...

PS lexus is an awesome value, I think I would rather have a fully loaded avalon than the lexus, but they are really nice cars, and you get a lot for your money, for the most part..


Audioholic Spartan
all good points guys I agree, but I must just be too cheap to see the value in less value, I never noticed bad buttons on my emo amps, although a light in my xpa3 stopped working on the front display, that was a downer, but the amp was 4 years old and still under warranty, when I sold it I shipped to emo, they fixed it and sent it on to the person who bought it from me for free, as well as transferred the remainder of the warranty.
As I mentioned, I wasn't referring to Emotiva power amps, it's their line-level electronics. Like that CD player I sold you. An ergo disaster, IMO. The Outlaw 975 pre-pro I have is right on the edge of unacceptability. Great audio and video quality, lousy ergonomics. The remote control designer should be charged with a felony. I would have sent the 975 back, but there really isn't any better competition at that price level, and I didn't want an AVR.


Audioholic Spartan
Lexus is an awesome value, I think I would rather have a fully loaded avalon than the lexus, but they are really nice cars, and you get a lot for your money, for the most part..
Avalons? I'm out. This thread has truly gone to seed.


Audioholic Chief
Forget cost, pure driving fun BMW all the way. I've done MB, Acura, Audi, and caddy, performance enjoyment has been bar none with BMW. Now that we have mechanical bs outta the way, who's buying a dac


Audioholic Ninja
Forget cost, pure driving fun BMW all the way. I've done MB, Acura, Audi, and caddy, performance enjoyment has been bar none with BMW. Now that we have mechanical bs outta the way, who's buying a dac
Hands down most fun to drive sedan ever- CTS-v, I may get another one some day, I had a 745 and my brother has a 745 the ctsv murders it in everything but the name badge..


Audioholic Spartan
Hands down most fun to drive sedan ever- CTS-v, I may get another one some day, I had a 745 and my brother has a 745 the ctsv murders it in everything but the name badge..
The two aren't comparable, Irv. The CTS-V competitor is the M5.


Audioholic Ninja
The two aren't comparable, Irv. The CTS-V competitor is the M5.
NO, c'mon Irv. The M5 is over $100K, a friend of mine bought one {not loaded, I believe it was just a wheel and brake package} and he spent $110K!!! The CTS-v {current model, in a sedan, I looked at them i the beginning of the summer} can be sold for $62K with the brembo brakes, roof, heat/cool seats, nav, black wheels, in the tricoat black color, ect... THe 745's are around $74K, I think the M3 can be bought in the mid 60s but the two cars dont compare... My older ctsv {under 450 hp} was incredible, fast, handles like a race car, cornering was intense, braking was so positive and controlled you could feel the seatbelt putting pressure on your bones, the interiors leather was way better than that in my old bmw, just one of the best deals in sport sedans in the world...


Audioholic Spartan
NO, c'mon Irv. The M5 is over $100K, a friend of mine bought one {not loaded, I believe it was just a wheel and brake package} and he spent $110K!!! The CTS-v {current model, in a sedan, I looked at them i the beginning of the summer} can be sold for $62K with the brembo brakes, roof, heat/cool seats, nav, black wheels, in the tricoat black color, ect... THe 745's are around $74K, I think the M3 can be bought in the mid 60s but the two cars dont compare... My older ctsv {under 450 hp} was incredible, fast, handles like a race car, cornering was intense, braking was so positive and controlled you could feel the seatbelt putting pressure on your bones, the interiors leather was way better than that in my old bmw, just one of the best deals in sport sedans in the world...
The M5 has a base price of about $93K. The 2014 CTS-v has a base price of $64K, but Recaro seats alone are a $3400 option. The 745 is a luxury boat the size of Rhode Island, while the CTS is a direct 5-series competitor in size and function. The fact that the prices don't match up perfectly is irrelevant. It's apples and oranges. And BTW, the leather in any GM car, except perhaps the C7 Corvette, is not as good as the cheapest leather in a Bimmer.

Your fixation on strict dollar accounting doesn't always produce the best answer in a world of complex products with value-based pricing.


Audioholic Ninja
The M5 has a base price of about $93K. The 2014 CTS-v has a base price of $64K, but Recaro seats alone are a $3400 option. The 745 is a luxury boat the size of Rhode Island, while the CTS is a direct 5-series competitor in size and function. The fact that the prices don't match up perfectly is irrelevant. It's apples and oranges. And BTW, the leather in any GM car, except perhaps the C7 Corvette, is not as good as the cheapest leather in a Bimmer.

Your fixation on strict dollar accounting doesn't always produce the best answer in a world of complex products with value-based pricing.
The seats in my 7 were nothing to wrote home about, they were showing wear way before they should have, my ctsv seats were comfortable and lush and always looked new... I thought I was comparing apples to apples, the m3 is in the price range of the ctsv and the v is hands down more car. To compare apples to apples as you see it is to spend $110 on a bmw {the m5 for 93 doesnt have the performance kit with it}, so compare the m5 to...

Get a CTSv loaded to the max {minus brakes and wheel upgrades} $67K, then send it to Lingenfelter for the 378 package 378 CID LSA Supercharged Engine Package - 700+ HP | Lingenfelter Performance Engineering that puts you around $82K, then send it to traK teK for the stillen brake kit with the stillen brake cooling system, KYB gas adjust struts, Ground control coil overs, a set of Forgeline wheels, and the Hotchkis strut and body brace kit will cost you another $11K puts you at $93 EXACTLY, lol!!!!
Now we are comparing apples to apples, lol.. I already priced this all out because I was very close to doing it, and still may depending how I feel when my new garage is finished...

I am not sure how much time you spend at the track but I have watched these cars buzz around and have driven mine around the track a few times {we live 6 minutes for TSW} and Seekonk is about 45 minutes from my office, my kids love watching racing so we have spent a lot of time at the local tracks, and I have seen m5's go through there, I watch the times, I see how hard or easy it is to get around the track.... You build the above car {it will take under 6 weeks, that includes getting the car shipped in from NY because my dealership didnt have any black ones}, the warranty will still be intact, and you will have an amazing auto...

I know I fixate on value, it may because when I was younger I spent money like a pirate and then seen what I had to show for it in the end, $300 jeans, $15K watches, all for name brands turns you into a tool bag, shop--experience everything weigh the costs and values while keeping the value of the item when you are done with it in mind...


Audioholic Jedi
You guys are all crazy talking about $100K cars that will break down 4 times a year. :eek:

I'm getting a Lexus LX570 to last me 40 years.:p :D

My Denon AVP, ATI, and RBH should last me 40 years too. :p :D

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